Poem#34 Death To Joy

Poem#34 Death To Joy

Genesis 35

Idols hidden in our hearts Idols that we carry in our hands

We can’t hide them so why do we keep fooling ourselves

No hiding from God the only One that brings dead to life

Why can’t we be content with the One that brung us to life?

From the journey in this life on to the next will be hard living

If we keep expecting dead things to bring us joy to life

Don’t we know we’re walking dead until God’s Breath brings life

God’s not breathing life to abandon, but to dwell to walk with us

God wants to take the name death used & give us a New Name

Idols in our heart steals so much more then we know to show

Because will never see what’s fading away from sin growing up

Thankfully God’s watching over us in preparing to pay the Cost

Those with Jacob never understood what was being berthed

The Nations being born before their eyes, their servitude to All

The Twelve tribes of Judah that would bring forth a Messiah

It’s important to keep trying to throw away the idols in ourselves

Not letting life pass us through being content in the Lord’s Grace

That paid the price on the Cross as Jesus so we could Live Joy