Poem#35 Humility Or Pride

Poem#35 Humility Or Pride

Job 5

How the unsaved view God with their counseling of friends matter

Not that their without truth, it’s the lacking of interpretation of Truth

Don’t be missing the context of which God’s word delivers

Yes we’re born sinners, but we’re also formed in the womb by Christ

Written are the days of our lives not as a soap opera, but as to His

God didn’t make us to punish our condemnation, but to Deliver us

Good things, bad things happen through out the life we’re to live

How we react to the circumstances around us to us matters inside

What we allow into our Heart will come out as Humility or Pride

The hindsight we have that Job didn’t with the scripture fulfilled

Still Job had God’s goodness through what was blessed by God

Plus scrolls of God’s creating the likeness of Mankind in His Image

Through dreams God talks to His People like that of Abraham & Jacob

God also talked to Joesph through dreams who’s pride told his brothers

Tests God will use to sift pride out of us like wheat until we’re ready

The Circumstances Job was going through was tough for anyone

Still Job knows the hand of God was on Him as He didn’t sin against

Instead praised God despite loss of everything, now his health

While Job is going through thoughts that only pain & agony brings

So called Friend tests Job , like those we call friends will test our pride

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

Will it be the Humility that comes with reading God’s Word Daily?

Will our neglected soil be growing thorns or hardening to be rocks

The parable of the sower didn’t start in the Gospels, but in Us
Good morning, Walker;

I feel pride and humility is a constant battle for me. At times when I should exercise humility my pride is exposed. At times when I feel prideful the humility comes out in me.

I go to God each morning and ask Him to guide me through every circumstance that will cross my path. He helps me stay focused on Him, first, and then guards my heart and tongue. This prayer has been effective.

God bless you, Kyle, and sharing Poem#35 Humility Or Pride spoke to me this morning.

Good morning, Walker;

I feel pride and humility is a constant battle for me. At times when I should exercise humility my pride is exposed. At times when I feel prideful the humility comes out in me.

I go to God each morning and ask Him to guide me through every circumstance that will cross my path. He helps me stay focused on Him, first, and then guards my heart and tongue. This prayer has been effective.

God bless you, Kyle, and sharing Poem#35 Humility Or Pride spoke to me this morning.
I honestly was a little stumped by Job 5 writing for Thursday night Bible study, Job doesn’t exactly make it clear who’s speaking what, so like I usually do is ask the Holy Spirit went by the header at the beginning in the esv and went by the context of previous chapters and let the Holy Spirit guide