Poem#36 Need Each Other

Poem#36 Need Each Other

1st Corinthians 16:13-14

Usually when we think of prejudice it’s because of color of skin

Not always associated with the green that’s in or out of wallets

For the rich & for the poor we’re subjects to Jesus Christ

Whether we sell everything to the poor obey every commandment

We’re going to fall short of getting into God’s Kingdom as if poor

We’re both facing the impossible on our knees in need of Jesus

God uses both the poor & the rich as God owns the Hills & the cattle

All comes down to the partnership being for God or against God’s Plan

Either way God will use the abundance of what’s in our heart

God works out everything for His good, whether our actions are evil

God uses those He blesses with success to build to fix what we can’t

Whether it’s CEO’s of companies to higher workers to get jobs done

Can’t go hating people for making money like rich can’t hate the poor

Especially as calling ourselves Christians being descendents of Abraham

God blesses those under the covenant, riches isn’t just money also goats

Those with empty pockets can’t be tasked of taking on evil empires

God’s got to build up Man of courage even if in the eyes of the media

What they see & what God sees is the difference of David & Goliath

Not everyone will see the Faith of God’s chosen as They stand Firm

The Once Popular will be Popular no more when joining the Republic

When it comes to saving a country, a people doomed Need Each Other

The Body of Jesus Christ needs to come together working as One

Trials & Tribulation is coming, still we’re called by Jesus to Serve Him

When Good People do nothing about Evil in the Land, Evil remains

Doing everything in Love often requires working on Loving Them

Without Loving, praying on them how are we to see God’s hand?

Need each other loving while standing firm in Faith Jesus Wins