Poem#37 Greater Picture

Poem#37 Greater Picture

Genesis 36

Everyone has a part to play according to what we choose

Can accept the younger Son getting the older Son’s blessing

Using the free will given by God or with the same Will reject

Choosing the attitude we’re going to live with the consequences

That goes with the actions taken in the weakness in the Moment

Over time will fine God has plans for us already waiting for us

We’re never forgotten even if we’re lost trying to find the right star

Not everything is about being the Star in the moment of other stars

We don’t often get to see the bigger picture like of the milky way

Esau bigger potential was lost on him was never about the stew

Never about getting the birthright that was never going to be His

God’s greater picture had a different story for him to play

Every name in God’s book has important roll to play to the Cross

According to the free will given to Mankind to play in God’s Will

Before Romans God’s Will was to take Evil to use for His Good Use

The Greater Picture was always about Mankind’s Redemption

Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to be the heel on satan’s head

We got to decide which Side of the foot we’re on in Gen 3:15