Poem#39 How Far Off

Poem#39 How Far Off

Genesis 37

How far off can we be from being seen in our coat of many colors

The dreams we’re given by God how quick are we to tell others

Not bothering or ask God how we’re getting there

While God was seeing the slavery of his people hearing their cries

God was preparing Joseph while Joseph was showing off his zeal

Which eventually caused His Brothers to hate him even more

How many times did Jesus tell after a healing to not tell anyone?

How many times does Jesus give us dreams & to not tell anyone?

Seeds like dreams takes time to grow until the time of harvest

So God used Joseph’s tall tales to send him into the pit to Egypt

Joesph didn’t quite let go of his pride yet so let him go to prison

Where he would work on his leadership & interpretation of dreams

How often do we disregard setbacks to our dreams as failures?

How many times have we let pride get in the way of seeing God?

So we’re blinded in seeing the Test God put us in until we pass

While God saw every timeline up to the fulfilling of the Lamb

God knew our need for a Savior long before our need to be born

Preparing us to be the next Joesph the next Moses, Next David

Don’t be giving up on God’s plans for us to serve in His Kingdom

Everyone God’s calling God’s preparing us to crawl before we run

God’s Teaching us what it means to be a Servant for His next Coming