Poem#39 Through Fingers

Poem#39 Through Fingers

Job 6

The days of our lives falls through our fingers like dry sand

Except for days tears slows us to compact the way we live

So much time flys that God needs to remind us to slow down

Without sickness & health would we remember to take a moment

God didn’t make the days for us to pass through without stopping

Living isn’t a race for us to win, no matter what comes against us

God makes the days like the very first day Good & wants us to enjoy

Even if we read how God created the World in six days in a moment

God took time to watch the Sunrise & Sunset to watch the Moonrise

Don’t let Pride get in the way of what God made meant for our Good

Or like Job we’re going to fall to our knees in wonder what we deserve

As we’re like Sand ourselves falling through fingers that gave us time

God took His dust in His hands & took His tears until we came together

Even while knowing the struggles in life we’d go through because of sin

Because We chose not to listen we chose to eat from the wrong tree

Only by the Grace of God are we saved through giving of His Blood

Praise be to God for making us different then the way He made Angels

Through Jesus adding His Blood to God’s sweat & Tears we’re made New