Poem#40 Mind Oasis

Poem#40 Mind Oasis

Job 7

The mind without God’s spoken word is a Wonder in the desert

The thoughts that come to the mind are dry & are in need of thirst

Prideful lips are beginning to crack still sounds of negative is heard

The circumstances that we live may give the feeling of helplessness

The everyday pain we’re living doesn’t mean we’re suffering for God

Just means get back to crying out to where our help comes from

Sometimes a thorn in our side is just a thorn from walking in briars

We need boundaries like our thoughts need boundaries in our mind

Wondering off from the ways of the Lord will lead to thorns & rocks

Watch where we’re going, watch what we’re thinking of doing

Whatever is abundant in the heart the mouth speaks we move

Actions speak louder then words why it’s important to match

Twisted in our minds when playing word mind games with satan

Waking up having Coffee with the Lord letting Him know our plans

Even the Lord enjoys a good laugh as He waits to have His say

We’re so busy having to do things our way we forget about His Way

Until we crawling in bed like Job’s describing giving our complaints

While God’s still waiting for His Word to be taken seriously

God’s Word is our daily bread we need to read out loud to the devil

Filling up our cup with the goodness of the Lord in praising our Thanks

Bringing an oasis to our Mind to Be Still to know God as our Father