Poem#41 Hands Of Justice Of Jesus

Poem#41 Hands Of Justice Of Jesus

Genesis 38

Before we go through with any of our bright ideas Better Pray

Good intentions doesn’t replace the Holy responsibilities of God

Ideas with a prideful heart end up eating from the wrong tree

Unfortunately We’ve never learned the path of least resistance

Doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy we don’t see the devil’s traps

Where if we’d do it God’s way His Rod His staff will protect us

Give thanks for everything that God provides & speak to Him

Make known the requests He knows we’re wanting to ask Him

Theirs no sneaking around his back as He sees in our Hands

Giving into that of sin won’t get us what we really want in the end

Will be better if we’re left standing empty handed then fist of sin

It’s when our Hand is empty when God can put our hand into His

Doing what pleases the Lord is better then listening to our pride

Abundance in our heart will produce evil or Good in God’s sight

The wages of Sin is death & without Jesus we’re left with Death

Weighing the goodness of the Lord & the evil intentions of pride

Balancing on God’s hand of Justice the Wicked will be unbalanced

Obedience is better in the Hands of Jesus that Sacrificed for Us