Poem#43 Calls To Trust

Poem#43 Calls To Trust

Genesis 39

Whatever the circumstances we’re facing the Lord calls to Trust

When the Hand of the Lord is upon us we’re to trust Him always

Blessings will come & go not by our fear, but by God’s Goodness

The Lord wants us to Trust Him in all circumstances of the World

No matter the faithlessness of the world that’s in & out of darkness

Even as the world turns around the sun God’s always Faithful

Even when the world pulls us into the dark stand in the Light of God

The Word of God is a lamp to our feet guiding our every step we go

Speak of God’s Truth don’t let Fear convince you of it’s lie for pride

When the Lord is with us we’re going to see the goodness of the Lord

When Those around us notice the Lord is with us they see Goodness

Not by what we’re doing, but by who we’re Obeying in the Lord

When we learn the circumstances of the world is no more than a test

The test can be easily passed though maybe difficult in Trusting God

When we stop using pride as an eraser to God’s answer & accept

God’s got plans for us which the Lord wrote into our heart to complete

Expecting Our Pride to fight him as our selfishness wants the credit

Thankfully God’s patient for Us to humble ourselves to see its God

We fall into pits ourselves which God get us out even as slaves

Which God uses for His good in changing the way we’re thinking

Even when panic puts us into prison God is faithful to work in us

God’s rescue of what we’re going through is coming if we Trust Him

Allowing God to workout the details through our weakness He delivers

The Spirit of the Lord is upon us so His Goodness can be seen as Owner
Allowing God to workout the details through our weakness He delivers

The Spirit of the Lord is upon us so His Goodness can be seen as Owner

Walker I cannot sleep and this passages really makes me jump out at me tonight.

I have some terrible habits. I never know when to just give up on the things I shouldn’t And carry on in the things I should.

But one thing I do know is this. My weakness will always be seen as not to bad by others and I will see someone elses as ok.
I already know that if I had a son that didn’t like girls I would be worried, whereas he may be scared.
All about perceptions and labels of good v bad ignorance we like to play with which stems from the satan and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Walker I cannot sleep and this passages really makes me jump out at me tonight.

I have some terrible habits. I never know when to just give up on the things I shouldn’t And carry on in the things I should.

But one thing I do know is this. My weakness will always be seen as not to bad by others and I will see someone elses as ok.
I already know that if I had a son that didn’t like girls I would be worried, whereas he may be scared.
All about perceptions and labels of good v bad ignorance we like to play with which stems from the satan and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Read the new poem I just posted think God has a message for you, for me as well