Poem#45 God’s Bigger Plans

Poem#45 God’s Bigger Plans

Genesis 40

The goodness of God will put us in opportunities to succeed

Even when the circumstances look bleak to our troubled minds

What we get ourselves into by disobedience God will rescue

God has a destination in mind for our willingness to do His Will

Not based on our being Faithful, but His always being faithful

The Word being God’s bond in the Covenant with Abraham

From the Dreams God puts inside our heart to getting us there

God will do what needs done for His love to get through in making

Giving chance after chance for us to shape up to serve Him

God will use the circumstances in other peoples disobedience

Can either be the hammer or the chisel in God’s hand to get out

Just don’t be the hardened heart God’s trying to get through

The Goodness of God will be found in everything we say & do

Those around us will see His blessings upon the way we live

As we’re not the only ones with Dreams needing interpretation

Never too late in getting back on track in what we dreamed of

We’re a Child of God we’re part of the Covenant covered by blood

Unless the Baker God’s got bigger plans then us losing heads

Even if we’re among the persecuted dying for our Faith in Jesus

Holy Spirit will come in that hour of need for God’s greater Good

God’s Revelation in being Christ’s Bride that nobody can displace
Walker what you wrote is a Godsend.
Faith is kind of fickle thing isn't it.
I dont like to get on my high horse and get my hopes up to high, especially in this cruel world but your poem gave me enough of a boost today to keep me carrying on.

God Bless you and yours
Well I went into writing the poem thinking about the Baker getting excited for His Dream’s interpretation thinking it be similar to the Butler’s, but of course it wasn’t, but then was reminded about those persecuted for their faith, don’t know if the Holy Spirit was with the Baker in the hour of losing his head, but like to Believe He’s with everyone that’s standing up for Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit is their for all of us.