Poem#46 Humble As God’s Children

Poem#46 Humble As God’s Children

Job 9

Be Still & Humble ourselves to know the One True God

Can’t be thinking of too highly of ourselves with thoughts

Brought on by Pride of being worthy to have conversation

Thinking too highly or thinking too lowly of ourselves is pride

Going before the Lord & thanking Him on making us Beautiful

Letting our Humility be Grateful for God’s goodness on us in us

Whatever it is we’re going through by storm of nature or of man

Know we’re God’s Creation as well made in the image of God & Son

The Mediator that’s destined to live in the Temple of our Body

Why wouldn’t God want to be talking with His Children we’re His

We’re Worthy to be the Works of His hands His Breath in our Lungs

Waiting for His Children to come & tell Him about our Day

Don’t be thinking too proud or too little of life’s worth of God’s Love

The Love that goes through death & the grave through hell to rescue

Job might not have Romans 8, but God’s Love should has been evident

Through all that God gave Job through all that was taken away

God’s love is constant not based on what Job did, or what we did

Nothing we do can change who God is & God is Love

When we humble ourselves as God’s children before our Father

Our Father will hear us as we tell about our day & what hurt us

The Goodness of our Father will be evident of all we ever needed

God the Father took our Brokenness & put it into the seed of Christ

Through One covering the first shedding of blood to the day on a hill

Where Jesus would shed His blood to fix us as Mediator as High Priest