Poem#47 Cow & the Bear

Poem#47 Cow & the Bear

Genesis 3, Isaiah 11

When watching a bear kill another bear live on the cams we watch

We can’t be blaming a bear for being a bear without blaming satan

And we can’t be blaming as the devil didn’t make Adam & Eve Sin

We’re still blinded by mankind’s fall still hiding from taking responsibility

What effected Mankind in disobedience to God was also fall of Creation

Tree of good & evil caused Predators to change their ways for survival

Everything changed after Eden as the curse of death fell upon everyone

No longer did eating plants maintain life, as Blood was needed to Cover

And sacrifice was needed to be redeemed the Spirit and the Body to eat

We’re all in need of a Savior in Jesus who died as the Lamb on the Cross

The Seed in Genesis 3:15 fulfilled the scriptures as promised to save us

Through the Blood to cover All Sin to cover in the Covenant of Abraham

With the stone rolled away Jesus has been risen for 2,000 years Alive

Christ has done his part, it’s up to us to change thoughts from sin to God

Christ is calling for our Dead Spirit to wake up & be Born a new Creation

When we’re in Jesus we get to enjoy watching the Bears of His Creation

While Discipling His People back to Him & watching for the Kings Return

Think of the Cross when a Bear is being a Bear for survival of Man’s Sin

All of Creation needs Jesus & we look towards the sky for His Return

For the day when we all get to Sit with Him, the Lion next to the Lamb

While the Cow grazes next to the Bear all of Creation made Right Again