Poem#57 Visitation

Poem#57 Visitation

Luke 19:28-46, Psalm 23

What are we doing after we answered the knock at the door

Why are we busy doing other things when the King has come

Just as if Jesus was walking among us yet we did not see Him

When we become so focused on what’s in our Brother’s hands

And whether or not those hands are clean unlike our own hands

We’re missing the Hands we should know who’s cleaned all Hands

Don’t be like Those 2000 years ago that should have known Jesus

Not just talking about the Scribes & Pharisees, talking about Followers

Their eyes should have been opened to see who Jesus is among them

When we’re in the presence of Jesus don’t be busy with doing chores

Pull up a chair sit beside Jesus Be Still & know it’s God with you now

He makes us Lie down beside Him to stop our Heart from being anxious

Jesus is here for our Visitation like He did with Zacchaeus who sees us

Whether we’ve climbed in a tree or focused on not breaking the Sabbath

Jesus says why not focus on Him for a change & let Love do the rest

The problems we face aren’t so big when we’re visiting with Jesus

Spending time with Our Savior that took our Biggest Problem to die

Who took our Hand to rise from the Grave with Him in Victory

The Lord is Our Shepherd who’s visiting us in this Moment to say

Focus on His Voice to lie down in green pastures, past still waters

We’re in the Presence of the Lord who’s Rod & staff comfort us