Poem#58 Christmas Seed
Genesis 1:26, Genesis 3:15, John 12:23-26
Everyone will see the final result under the Tree but few will open
The Gift from the Seed being finished just like Jesus said Bloomed
That now sits under His Tree that was planted in the First Christmas
When we’re able to look back after opening the Gift under His Tree
After getting to know Him as the Father & getting to know His Laws
Like seeing Jesus getting down from the Cross back into the Womb
Nobody saw the Tree on top of the Hill coming let alone the Bloom
Because nobody understood the first parable & law of first Mention
Behold, a Sower went out to plant Seed, if Only we had ears to hear
If we had ears to hear we could be planting the seed given to us
Faith planted by God to show what a little seed can do with Belief
So we can see what happens when God’s Word takes root
From Mary after the Behold spoken by the Angel the Seed sprang
That followed back from Joseph down through the lineage of David
Back through to the lineage of Noah, to Abraham & the Covenant
Getting back closer & closer to the first Christmas in the Garden
Only God knows the date & the time being in the Cool of the Day
When God first planted the Seed & Covered our Nakedness
Only God new the principal of the Seed after shedding first Blood
While Adam & Eve bit into the Fruit, the Christmas Seed God planted
Nobody understood what God did, until the Seed Bloomed on the Cross
Now nobody will understand the gift that God placed under the Tree
Not until opening & accepting of the gift, the Seed planted inside us
The gift that is the Holy Spirit helps the Word planted Grow to Bloom
Genesis 1:26, Genesis 3:15, John 12:23-26
Everyone will see the final result under the Tree but few will open
The Gift from the Seed being finished just like Jesus said Bloomed
That now sits under His Tree that was planted in the First Christmas
When we’re able to look back after opening the Gift under His Tree
After getting to know Him as the Father & getting to know His Laws
Like seeing Jesus getting down from the Cross back into the Womb
Nobody saw the Tree on top of the Hill coming let alone the Bloom
Because nobody understood the first parable & law of first Mention
Behold, a Sower went out to plant Seed, if Only we had ears to hear
If we had ears to hear we could be planting the seed given to us
Faith planted by God to show what a little seed can do with Belief
So we can see what happens when God’s Word takes root
From Mary after the Behold spoken by the Angel the Seed sprang
That followed back from Joseph down through the lineage of David
Back through to the lineage of Noah, to Abraham & the Covenant
Getting back closer & closer to the first Christmas in the Garden
Only God knows the date & the time being in the Cool of the Day
When God first planted the Seed & Covered our Nakedness
Only God new the principal of the Seed after shedding first Blood
While Adam & Eve bit into the Fruit, the Christmas Seed God planted
Nobody understood what God did, until the Seed Bloomed on the Cross
Now nobody will understand the gift that God placed under the Tree
Not until opening & accepting of the gift, the Seed planted inside us
The gift that is the Holy Spirit helps the Word planted Grow to Bloom