Poem#60 Revealed

Poem#60 Revealed

Genesis 45, Luke 24:13-31

Where doors seem to be closing God’s working on other doors

Sometimes all we can see is doors closed, but on the other side

God’s using His hands to fix what’s meant to be that we can’t see

Pride hardens hearts & it’s these hearts God’s working on as we wait

While we’re working on passing the tests to fix our heart of pride also

Like that of Joseph & His Brothers in stages their hearts got fixed

What started with a dream with Joseph took many doors to open

Before the doors opened God was preparing for what was to come

Both in their hearts and what was to come in a basket on the River

God often doesn’t reveal what we’re wanting to see until the Breaking

While we’re waiting for the answer God’s wanting to walk with us awhile

God’s wanting to have conversation regarding the state of our heart

Everything in the Old Testament that happened was God opening doors

The revealing of what went on behind the closed doors wasn’t known until

The Breaking of Bread after the body of Christ was broken was Finished

Joseph who couldn’t wait any longer to reveal who He was to his Brothers

Like Joseph Jesus can’t wait until He can Break the Bread to reveal to us

How long He’s been working on the door of our Heart to Open to see Him