Poem#61 Results for Good
Job 14, Genesis 3, Romans 1:20
Mankind only lasts by the breath of God remaining in the lungs
Our birth was the result of God taking Adam’s rib to make Eve
The pains came from the consequences of Mankind’s Sin
Adam meaning Mankind was only One until Adam named Eve
The result of Sin God knew we needed birth of a different Seed
One that would strike the head of the Serpent with his heel
We’ve always needed God to Breathe to catch us when stumbling
Just didn’t know how Good we had it until we took our eyes off Him
We’ve been turning our eye’s away ever since blinded by Sin
Sin not only brought death, brought the separation from God’s face
Because God couldn’t look at Sin because God is Holy & is Glorious
Who’s Light blinds those to the point of death carried in the tabernacle
God wanted us to see His invisible attributes His Power, His Goodness
Strict instructions in every detail given was for the results of Our Good
We’re too stubborn to see our Sacrifice wasn’t good enough
Without God giving us the Faith to see blindly that if only we Believe
If only we’d Listen to God & Obey His Holy Word that we would live
Instead some of us choose to pick up sticks in defiance of pride
Who are we that God should care to even know our name from Dust
God cares by the goodness of His hands that formed us in the womb
Even though the days ahead were troubled, a Savior waits for us
God wanted us to see His face so He came to be Born in a Manger
Coming as His Only Son in Jesus to walk with us in the cool of the day
He became the Lamb so we could be His tabernacle to hold His Face
Job 14, Genesis 3, Romans 1:20
Mankind only lasts by the breath of God remaining in the lungs
Our birth was the result of God taking Adam’s rib to make Eve
The pains came from the consequences of Mankind’s Sin
Adam meaning Mankind was only One until Adam named Eve
The result of Sin God knew we needed birth of a different Seed
One that would strike the head of the Serpent with his heel
We’ve always needed God to Breathe to catch us when stumbling
Just didn’t know how Good we had it until we took our eyes off Him
We’ve been turning our eye’s away ever since blinded by Sin
Sin not only brought death, brought the separation from God’s face
Because God couldn’t look at Sin because God is Holy & is Glorious
Who’s Light blinds those to the point of death carried in the tabernacle
God wanted us to see His invisible attributes His Power, His Goodness
Strict instructions in every detail given was for the results of Our Good
We’re too stubborn to see our Sacrifice wasn’t good enough
Without God giving us the Faith to see blindly that if only we Believe
If only we’d Listen to God & Obey His Holy Word that we would live
Instead some of us choose to pick up sticks in defiance of pride
Who are we that God should care to even know our name from Dust
God cares by the goodness of His hands that formed us in the womb
Even though the days ahead were troubled, a Savior waits for us
God wanted us to see His face so He came to be Born in a Manger
Coming as His Only Son in Jesus to walk with us in the cool of the day
He became the Lamb so we could be His tabernacle to hold His Face