Poem#62 As Always

Poem#62 As Always

Genesis- Revelation

God’s has always been Gracious to the Goodness of who He Is

The pride in our hearts has caused blindness by lust of the eyes

We couldn’t see and if we don’t see we don’t believe what we had

Blood of the innocents, miss treating orphans & widows God hears

Especially beating heart of the unborn God who’s Just hears them

When the heart stops God hears them more vengeance is His

Turn our eyes back to what’s Good who is the Lord our God who fights

Defender of us His children adopted Sons & Daughters is Jesus Christ

Who paid our worth in Love with His blood on the Cross for our Salvation

The Lord who is our Shepherd who laid down His life for us His Sheep

Now sits at the Right hand of the Father as our Advocate our High Priest

Jesus has been Risen who’s still Lord who Always will be our Shepherd

As Always God is Gracious, God is Good, God is Love, God is Jesus

Abba Father Holy is the One that walks in the cool of the day for us

Don’t be afraid, don’t have to hide, We’ve been Forgiven it’s Finished

Heaven will be full of Sinners walking with God in the cool of the Day

Like as Always God only wanted , & will as Always be Grateful to God

Because God’s Goodness never changes as Always God is Good