Poem#63 Outside To Inside

Poem#63 Outside To Inside

Mark 11

The Kingdom is near so repent in changing our Minds

The way we see things on the outside to change inside

The Temple that we seen torn down gets built inside us

The idols we see being sold on the outside of building temples

Are the same idols we’re selling inside ourselves, not all Idols

Are made of wood & stone, but of the gold stone of our heart

Repent to what we feel on the inside turning our heart into a house

God’s house of prayer so that we may produce the fruit God desires

Which we can’t do until we see the hypocrites we’ve become

Until we start seeing what Jesus sees inside of us we’re Blind

We’re missing everything & we’re walking without ears to hear

Meaning we’re walking in blind faith if having any faith at all

Why are we still doubting what Jesus can still do after seeing

The countless miracles, the feeding of thousands, to healings

Yet we’re still doubting after saying Amen over & over again

Jesus sees us, but can we see the Word is Jesus that is God as Alpha

Don’t be ashamed in asking Jesus to help our unbelief after believing

How many times did Gideon ask for Confirmation in his unbelief

What’s impossible with Mankind is Possible with God, another words

Even if we can’t fathom the temple being destroyed being raised again

Inside those that call on the name to be Saved Jesus by the Holy Spirit