Poem#70 Looking Back

Poem#70 Looking Back

Psalm 139

When we’ve lived long enough in Christ will look back in life

We can start to see the fingerprints of God left behind on us

What He’s done for us in making mudd to put on our eyes

Remember back during the worst of our times asking questions?

Why God why and now looking back we can see it wasn’t so bad

Hurt with anger often fogs up our judgment in the present time

When we were trying to push God away He was pulling us closer

Because the wound is where the light comes in & His Spirit works

When we’re Still enough we can feel our heart being mended

We just don’t get how much pride effects us all in mind & body

We’re blinded from seeing how much help we need to do little things

It’s not until we really need God do we see it’s always been Jesus

When feeling down in the deepest darkest moments It was Jesus

When we couldn’t be humbled enough it was Jesus helping us stand

We weren’t meant to handle the knowledge of Good & Evil yet we try

So when looking back from heaven we can ask God why two trees?

Why did Eve choose to bite the fruit God said not to eat out of everything

The answers no longer matter we just want to hear stories from Father