Poem#71 Finishing the Race

Poem#71 Finishing the Race

1 Peter 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:16-17, Mark 13:9-13, Philippians 3:12-21

Jesus is the Finisher of Hope for those that Believe He’s God

As the Son of Man, Son of God is the One in the same in Father

Just as Jesus Prayed in John 17 so that we would know Him

The Flesh is going to hurt just as we stub a toe or break a bone

Or lose a Life which we knew all our life until one day they’re gone

Pain often brings out the worst in fears & regrets as we resent life

Now isn’t the time to let satan stay in our head as it’s only lies

That’s keeping us from remembering the Truth that it’s only Jesus

Nobody else is the Author finisher of our Faith & in Him we Win

Yes we’re still going to feel pain even as the Holy Spirit helps us

Without the pain we’d have to question our faith in who’s helping

As the devil leaves us alone when our faith is dead

God is God of all comfort who comforts generously to who ask

Whether we ask in releaving of physical pain to finish finish a task

Or asking to get us through a Humanly impossible, but God possible

Leave the regrets & all resentment about life with the cross of Jesus

Be Still to Hear God, hear the Hall of Faith cheering us on in our Race

Run peacefully knowing the Holy Spirit will get us across the Finish Line

Nobody knows when the finish line will be in sight until seeing Jesus

We don’t have to fear not knowing because of the Faith written by Him

Guided by the Holy Spirit to fulfill each Word spoken in Finishing the Race
I spotted a typo in the rough draft.

Poem#71 Finishing the Race

1 Peter 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:16-17, Mark 13:9-13, Philippians 3:12-21

Jesus is the Finisher of Hope for those that Believe He’s God

As the Son of Man, Son of God is the One in the same in Father

Just as Jesus Prayed in John 17 so that we would know Him

The Flesh is going to hurt just as we stub a toe or break a bone

Or lose a Life which we knew all our life until one day they’re gone

Pain often brings out the worst in fears & regrets as we resent life

Now isn’t the time to let satan stay in our head as it’s only lies

That’s keeping us from remembering the Truth that it’s only Jesus

Nobody else is the Author finisher of our Faith & in Him we Win

Yes we’re still going to feel pain even as the Holy Spirit helps us

Without the pain we’d have to question our faith in who’s helping

As the devil leaves us alone when our faith is dead

God is God of all comfort who comforts generously to who ask

Whether we ask in releaving physical, chronic pain to finish a task

Or asking to get us through a Humanly impossible, but God possible

Leave the regrets & all resentment about life with the cross of Jesus

Be Still to Hear God, hear the Hall of Faith cheering us on in our Race

Run peacefully knowing the Holy Spirit will get us across the Finish Line

Nobody knows when the finish line will be in sight until seeing Jesus

We don’t have to fear not knowing because of the Faith written by Him

Guided by the Holy Spirit to fulfill each Word spoken in Finishing the Race