Poem#76 Need To Argue

Will be in Book Alpha & Omega: Exploration of the Revelation of Jesus Christ

Poem#76 Need To Argue

2 Timothy 2, Proverbs 17:14, James 4, Romans 14, Colossians 3:13, John 10

Why do we feel the need to argue even when we’re Right

We’re wrong, just like when Peter cut off the Servant’s ear

Because we’re acting instead of waiting upon the Lord

The battle for the need to defend is not our battle to fight

We’re not fighting against flesh & blood , but spiritual warfare

This battle belongs to the Lord & His Army including Michael

Rehearsing speach of who did what to wrong who isn’t of God

But the nest of birds in our head not of God, but workers of satan

God doesn’t want us holding on to grudges, but to let go in Forgiveness

The need to defend an argument is pride, the need to be right is pride

The only ones arguing around Jesus was Pharisees & Disciples, but not

Jesus who corrected even as He talked in love without Condemning

If only we could learn to talk with sinners without first condemning Sin

If only Jesus would have talked to a Samaritan Woman at as example

Or if Jesus would simply write in the Sand as we with sin drop the stones

Red Letters we read are examples of Jesus for slow learners to follow

The more we humble ourselves the less pride we have in thinking foolish

We’re All slow learners in putting Sheep & us together & what Sheep do

We’re starving without Jesus being Our Shepherd, we’re without Hope

We can’t do anything without Jesus first guiding us with His still Voice

Arguing with our sheep voice does nothing but attracts Wolves