Poem#78 Press Into Jesus

Poem#78 Press Into Jesus

Mark 14, John 17

People can’t see the value placed around their neck with pearls

Not counting the price in dollars, but counting the blood & sweat

Not to mention the time it took finding clams to find pearls to clean

When it comes to the most important things in life we’re still sleeping

Placing more value on paper with “ In God We Trust” written then hearts

What God does while we’re sleeping Pressing into Our Heart to Clean Me

Women get engaged with the value placed on the Finger a Diamond

Not counting the price in dollars, but the effort it took working it rough

The Blood, sweat & tears cleaning it until perfect to wear on a finger

When Jesus found us walking dead in Sin seeing us fall into our Worst

The deepest hole we had to find until we got it into our stubborn heads

Still Jesus pressed into us until giving up His Will to the Father as we slept

The Value God placed on us, People have no clue as we treasure

The Creation that threw up pearls, dug into the filth to find Diamonds

We’re placing more value in rocks then we do ourselves

While we lay in the Garden with the rest of Disciples sound asleep

Jesus presses His Prayers into cleaning our Hearts Once & for All

Like He did for the first Adam, just not for a rib this time with Blood

Jesus took all the filthy Sin including the rags we thought were clean

His Will be done on the Cross to be Seperated so we wouldn’t no more

Pressing onto us until we’re Pressing into Jesus for His righteousness

Unfortunately few people will know how valued they are to Jesus

Only the Humbled Sinner will know how deep Jesus dug us out

We’re no where close to perfect, still we’re in the Father’s Hands