Poem#79 Name

Poem#79 Name

Genesis, Revelation, Psalm 139

Everyone born has a name that grows up one or two ways

They want everyone else to know their name to be famous

For finding purpose of the value this world has on a name

Unfortunately theirs only a few that will understand the Truth

The Name we’re known for now isn’t ours to keep, it’s to give

Just like when Abram Surrender to God to become Abraham

Everyone born has a story written before birth they play out

The plot goes as we grow including every twist & turn of choice

Outcome will depend on stubbornness of Pride & a will to surrender

Everyone wants a Name that’s Loved, that’s had meaning in life

Unfortunately very few will understand money has no value in fame

No more then the Camel that went through the eye of a needle

The parade’s thrown for the dead of the Famous is full of sadness

Because they never understood they had away to get another name

The devil will do everything including lying in carrying about our Name

The only one that cares about the name we’re given at Birth is God

Who didn’t give an Earthly Name to be famous, but for Surrender

When we finally hear the Calling of His Spirit to Repentance

Everyone has a story, but only a few will see Sin attached to a Name

That we must be born again with Belief in the only Name that matters

Jesus is the Son of God who died on the Cross to give us a New Name

Jesus loves the Name we’re born on earth, but Loves the Name more

He gives as Our Heavenly Father as His Blood washed our Name Clean

When He Raised us up to be His Bride when He changed our Name
Hello Kyle;

After reading Poem#79 Name reminded me of my name. Robert is an old German name Hrodebert - Hrod means fame and Beraht means bright.

In English Robert means bright fame.

Robert was a popular birth name between the mid 20s to the late 30s. Since then it isn't as popular but is still common today.

My Dad is Robert Sr. in our family and it was my parents who gave me this name. I cannot exercise fame since I'm
Robert the lowly second.

🤜 😎 Ouch!
