Poem#85 Awaken To Hear

Poem#85 Awaken To Hear

Luke 1

Everything was written what was to be foretold of what’s to come

The tales of Isaiah was no secret it wasn’t a work of fiction but Truth

The Coming of the Messiah in the name of Jesus Christ

Unfortunately the imprinted man made Traditions made believing hard

Lessons hard learned of obedience to God is more then man approved

Definitely more worth than man made sacrifices

Believing the Word of God over mankind’s twisted thinking is repenting

Changing our minds over what we thought we knew to not knowing at all

Learning a new that comes with being born again to Jesus Christ

Difference between Zechariah & Mary with the Message from Angels

One Questioned with Doubt in the heart, the other Fully Believed in Him

Asking in Belief for instructions vs asking with doubt of what’s told

Jesus was born in the Night while everyone was sleeping on Belief

Don’t let our Beliefs in Jesus & His Holy Word fall on deaf & sleeping

Let those with Ears be wide awake to Hear Jesus Christ to Believe

Be Awaken to Hear Jesus Christ was born to save us from our Sin

From Birth to Death on the Cross so upon us Believing He’s the Son

We could be born again upon the Shoulders of a Risen Savior