Poem#86 Other Side Of The Road

Poem#86 Other Side Of The Road

Revelation 18

Why did the Chicken cross the road has always been us

And it’s no joke because we’ve gotten the view point wrong

As we’re like Sheep not Chickens

Somewhere along the road we started listening to the wrong voice

That wasn’t the Lord that is our Shepherd & were led astray convinced

What we had with God wasn’t ours even though it was

Serpent convinced our prideful thinking it was better on the other side

Even though we had everything we’ve ever needed in Jesus our Light

We just never knew the Truth until He coverd us the Second time

Not until the Redemption on the cross were we convinced of redeeming

Except for those refusing to stay on the side of the Road as the Shepherd

Only the Prodigals will be humbled enough to know what they had is real

The Lost Sheep get found, Lost Coin recovered & Prodigal thinks of Home

Sometimes it takes hanging around pigs to find where we belong in Jesus

Getting back across the Road where we know we Belong to Jesus

Other side of the road maybe Babylon building a tower to Heaven

What those Crossing the road will never understand is leaving Heaven

We were already in Heaven with Jesus, Thankfully Jesus left Heaven

I repeat Jesus left the Kingdom to pay for our Sins on the Middle Cross

Dying on the Other side of the road so we wouldn’t have to be in Hell

God’s Grace of Death & Resurrection to bring us back Home

The Grace we had before leaving Eden has always been enough

The Grace that found us lost has always been enough to take us

Grace has always been efficient enough, if only we’d be content