Poem#bears910s Watching 910s

Poem#bears910s Watching 910s

Genesis 1, Psalm 139, John 3:16-18, Romans 10, Romans 8, Ephesians 1:5

Romans 1:20

The story of bear 909 & 910 is truly amazing being sisters

Raising daughters of their own until 909 did what she had to

Nature flipped her switch had to send 909jr away to save her

No evolution can create the wonder of what would happen next

When the unexpected happened in 910 adopting 909jr as her own

The Creation of God in Alaska will give Signs of His Goodness

We’re not the only one watching these bears on explore live cams

The Creator loves watching over all creation including these bears

Knowing we need reminders of His Love He shows us through 910s

The way 910 has been raising 909jr like 910jr together they live

Whatever they been through has only made them stronger together

They eat, they play, they defend for the love of each other

Just when we have the study of these bears figured out it changes

Truth is always reminding us the hand that made us never changes

We’re the Ones changing in our Heart as His Word lives in Creation

God spoke His Word Creating bears like the 910s to show His Heart

Like when He had 910 adopt 909jr He wants to adopt us as His Family

Through sending His only Son Jesus to the Cross He made it possible

This is what I’m reminded of when watching bears 910s Adventuring

The way God’s Love is constantly working in my own life that He made

That He’s made all of Creation beautiful that we’re to live with Joy

Yes one day the 910s will den for winter & then go their separate ways

Like the 910s our Spirit that’s been in a long winters sleep will be woken

When we’ve chosen to Believe in the Risen Savior our Soul gets a Helper

910 & 909 jr will have the knowledge taught from watching 910

While we have the Holy Spirit to guide us through what Jesus says

Through Jesus we’re connected to His Creation through God’s heart
Poem#bears910s Watching 910s Genesis 1, Psalm 139, John 3:16-18, Romans 10, Romans 8, Ephesians 1:5 Romans 1:20
The Creator loves watching over all creation including these bears Knowing we need reminders of His Love He shows us through 910s

Good morning, Walker;

This is a clever poem and I enjoyed the message behind it. It is always reassuring the Lord is watching over each of us every second and moment.

God bless
you, Kyle.
Good morning, Walker;

This is a clever poem and I enjoyed the message behind it. It is always reassuring the Lord is watching over each of us every second and moment.

God bless
you, Kyle.
I love watching the live bear cams on explore. Org on youtube in Katmai national park Alaska at brooks falls, truly Romans 1:20 can be seen, I just got inspired to start youtube my own channel GodandBrooksfallsbears and started writing poems about bears I’ve been watching and getting to know their stories and in each poem trickling in the Gospel.
