Ponder This About The Bible

The Bible is by far the most well know of books known to mankind.
There is no writing of any kind that exist that spark such love and controversy.

Yet today I want to share with you a perspective on this Glorious work of art.
We say Bible. Anyone says that word and we automatically refer to it as a well know source. No one goes " well what Bible? "

You and I are modern Humans, and the books in the Bible have been around a very long time.
Yet, you and I search, and every person born under God looks for answers.
But what makes it so astounding is the Bible actually works, its a tool of life if we let it be so.

In its brilliants that is beyond understanding, it covers just about every human situation a person could be in.
To give a perspective. A library and TV, Movies by the millions, all are using examples we see in the Bible.
The pure completeness is staggering on how everything, we live, love, hate, envy, etc is addressed.

So lets be really abstract, Caring for our Dogs?

Numbers 22:32-33 (NIV) "The angel of the Lord asked him, 'Why have you beaten your donkey these three times? I have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me. The donkey saw me and turned away from me these three times. If it had not turned away, I would certainly have killed you by now, but I would have spared it.'"

In the story of Balaam and his donkey, the donkey is shown to have greater awareness than Balaam. The angel of the Lord rebukes Balaam for his mistreatment of the animal, demonstrating that God values animals and holds humans accountable for how they treat them.
There are many more scriptures that cover our animals alone.

It takes man, millions of Movies, books to cover and explain the human condition and yet they all mostly all short of a clear message.
Yet the Bible is so complete, it covers all we need to survive and be saved by his Grace.
The Bible is by far the most well know of books known to mankind.
There is no writing of any kind that exist that spark such love and controversy.

Yet today I want to share with you a perspective on this Glorious work of art.
We say Bible. Anyone says that word and we automatically refer to it as a well know source. No one goes " well what Bible? "

You and I are modern Humans, and the books in the Bible have been around a very long time.
Yet, you and I search, and every person born under God looks for answers.
But what makes it so astounding is the Bible actually works, its a tool of life if we let it be so.

In its brilliants that is beyond understanding, it covers just about every human situation a person could be in.
To give a perspective. A library and TV, Movies by the millions, all are using examples we see in the Bible.
The pure completeness is staggering on how everything, we live, love, hate, envy, etc is addressed.

So lets be really abstract, Caring for our Dogs?

Numbers 22:32-33 (NIV) "The angel of the Lord asked him, 'Why have you beaten your donkey these three times? I have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me. The donkey saw me and turned away from me these three times. If it had not turned away, I would certainly have killed you by now, but I would have spared it.'"

In the story of Balaam and his donkey, the donkey is shown to have greater awareness than Balaam. The angel of the Lord rebukes Balaam for his mistreatment of the animal, demonstrating that God values animals and holds humans accountable for how they treat them.
There are many more scriptures that cover our animals alone.

It takes man, millions of Movies, books to cover and explain the human condition and yet they all mostly all short of a clear message.
Yet the Bible is so complete, it covers all we need to survive and be saved by his Grace.
The Bible is the only book that addresses the universal human condition regardless of the era or millennium in which it is read. It does so because it answers the three most basic, universal questions asked by everyone who has ever lived, from educated philosopher to illiterate peasant:

1. Where did I come from?
2. Why am I here?
3. Where am I going?
The Bible is the only book that addresses the universal human condition regardless of the era or millennium in which it is read. It does so because it answers the three most basic, universal questions asked by everyone who has ever lived, from educated philosopher to illiterate peasant:

1. Where did I come from?
2. Why am I here?
3. Where am I going?
It is quite remarkable. Its awesome so many understand this. but equally sad that so many chase the darkness for answer they will never find.
While Jesus shows a clear way to light the path we seek. This rather large, book of books. Can be simple enough to answer what we desire to know.
The older I get, the more floored I am that people do not get. " Its Right Here " Its free. Your stay out of hell card, your forgiven of sins.
Simply signup for his grace, accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Repent your sins. And then these Books make even more sense.

Thank you for your very clear words and sharing.
I think as well the simplicity of the books, shows a tale as well that modern many is not very bright.
Hey but you can order Amazon and get it in two days. Our priorities in my opinion, have made us ignorant to God.
Made us ignorant in understanding a gift right in front of us.
You and I are modern Humans, and the books in the Bible have been around a very long time.
Yet, you and I search, and every person born under God looks for answers.
But what makes it so astounding is the Bible actually works, its a tool of life if we let it be so.

In its brilliants that is beyond understanding, it covers just about every human situation a person could be in.
To give a perspective. A library and TV, Movies by the millions, all are using examples we see in the Bible.
The pure completeness is staggering on how everything, we live, love, hate, envy, etc is addressed.
I am just seeing this now. I am so glad that you are acquainting yourself... You have added enthusiasm within the forums.
I can't keep up with you. HAHA... and to make it worse... I have suddenly gone quiet. My brain is on meditation mode.
I think living alone and being a recluse ( so to speak )... my challenge is maintaining contact with the outside world. It is so
easy for me to slip away. I have worked hard to maintain contact and everyone has been most patient with me... so that is probably
why I am still here.

Anyways... that was probably a GARAGE statement that I just made but it came out here. HA.

What you have stated is the BIGGEST and MOST IMPORTANT point on WHY my faith is SO DEEP... and WHY I trust GOD
with my entire BEING....... it is BECAUSE HE HAS NOT CHANGED. I can be ASSURED that GOD is WHO HE SAYS HE IS.

I am very guilty of throwing out complete teachings because over the years.... the doctrine has CHANGED. If something that is deemed as TRUE suddenly CHANGES... than NOTHING was TRUE to begin with.... GOD is NOT like that... and so... I can place all my cards in the basket of GOD and HIS HOLY WORD. This is a beautiful writing RootedWithGod ... THANK YOU.