
Luke 18:1
And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; what does prayer mean to you ? feel free to share thoughts along with scripture .
Matthew 26:41
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

one of my favorite prayers in the Bible is prayer of Jabez 1st chronicles 4:10 he asked for 4 things
1. That God would bless him

2. That God would enlarge his territory

3. That God’s hand might be with him

4. That God would keep him from evil
we have the model prayer Matthew 6:9-13 the reason i call it the model prayer is it teaches us in what manner we are to pray . i do not use this as a prayer .the real Lord prayer is found in John 17

another interesting scripture

Isaiah 65:24​

“And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Jeremiah 33 3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

ok share your thoughts use any of the scriptures i used or your own hope this turns into a interesting discussion ( not a argument ) please
Luke 18:1
And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; what does prayer mean to you ? feel free to share thoughts along with scripture .
Matthew 26:41
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

one of my favorite prayers in the Bible is prayer of Jabez 1st chronicles 4:10 he asked for 4 things
1. That God would bless him

2. That God would enlarge his territory

3. That God’s hand might be with him

4. That God would keep him from evil
we have the model prayer Matthew 6:9-13 the reason i call it the model prayer is it teaches us in what manner we are to pray . i do not use this as a prayer .the real Lord prayer is found in John 17

another interesting scripture

Isaiah 65:24​

“And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Jeremiah 33 3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

ok share your thoughts use any of the scriptures i used or your own hope this turns into a interesting discussion ( not a argument ) please
I love that if we live a prayerful life and have others praying for us that we will receive what we need before we know we need it. That, to me, is the importance of focus on Him and being happy (blessed) in every situation. I never know what God is teaching me. I try to pray for matters of the spirit and various physical things in accordance with His Word. I pray for help and strength in those times of tribulation but I must also remember to not be a lazy Christian and just throw everything at His feet. Sometimes I have to get up, dust myself off, pray for renewed strength, and use my self-will to help fix myself. What do you think, Forgiven61?
I pray for help and strength in those times of tribulation but I must also remember to not be a lazy Christian and just throw everything at His feet.
its not being lazy peter wrote casting all our cares on him because he cares for us. we are told in Hebrews we may approach the throne of Grace with BOLDNESS that we might obtain mercy and help on time of need . we all know in o.t times we had go through a high priest for our prayers.. i tell the church i pastor don't know what to pray? Lord Help me .the Holy Spirit takes that prayer to the throne of Grace. showing what help you really need.
do i understand every thing about prayer ? NO what i do know is to pray push pray until something happens .
i pray specific if some one is sick i pray for the healing i have a cousin who has a son n law on vent. he previous had the virus. his heart beat was bit high so i pray that the heart beat return to normal i pray for health for his lungs i pray for his kidneys as they need treatment .
i pray specific for the church i pastor i ask the Lord to build it according to his word.. the lord added to the church daily such as should e saved.

i put in prayer request for the Church at our Christian radio station . the lady who prays during the week. knows how to approach the throne of grace .

dont be afraid to ask God to bless you.. jabez did. back when the virus first hit and things was falling on its face. my son got laid off. after 8 years .they kept lower sonority. i prayed he could keep his job.. it didn't go that way. some 4 months later he went to looking for a job. he took a part time janitor job at the school . he is know full time better pay few more benefits .
does everything turn out the way i pray? NO . but he does make a way. so tell him what you need we have not because we ask not some times we ask wrong ( fleshly motives ) in essence all i know is to pray
they say pray his will be done.. i pray and leave it to Him best i can do BTW prayer is the subject Sunday morning. at the end of the service were all going take time out and pray .
i have another preacher that comes i will lead in prayer after a few moments of silence.. get them praying i will lead then as him to finish the service out in prayer . do me favor pray for Fairview Church service 😀🙏🙏
its not being lazy peter wrote casting all our cares on him because he cares for us. we are told in Hebrews we may approach the throne of Grace with BOLDNESS that we might obtain mercy and help on time of need . we all know in o.t times we had go through a high priest for our prayers.. i tell the church i pastor don't know what to pray? Lord Help me .the Holy Spirit takes that prayer to the throne of Grace. showing what help you really need.
do i understand every thing about prayer ? NO what i do know is to pray push pray until something happens .
i pray specific if some one is sick i pray for the healing i have a cousin who has a son n law on vent. he previous had the virus. his heart beat was bit high so i pray that the heart beat return to normal i pray for health for his lungs i pray for his kidneys as they need treatment .
i pray specific for the church i pastor i ask the Lord to build it according to his word.. the lord added to the church daily such as should e saved.

i put in prayer request for the Church at our Christian radio station . the lady who prays during the week. knows how to approach the throne of grace .

dont be afraid to ask God to bless you.. jabez did. back when the virus first hit and things was falling on its face. my son got laid off. after 8 years .they kept lower sonority. i prayed he could keep his job.. it didn't go that way. some 4 months later he went to looking for a job. he took a part time janitor job at the school . he is know full time better pay few more benefits .
does everything turn out the way i pray? NO . but he does make a way. so tell him what you need we have not because we ask not some times we ask wrong ( fleshly motives ) in essence all i know is to pray
they say pray his will be done.. i pray and leave it to Him best i can do BTW prayer is the subject Sunday morning. at the end of the service were all going take time out and pray .
i have another preacher that comes i will lead in prayer after a few moments of silence.. get them praying i will lead then as him to finish the service out in prayer . do me favor pray for Fairview Church service 😀🙏🙏
Yeah, I see what you're saying. My comment of being a lazy Christian is that sometimes the reason God doesn't do something in our lives is He is waiting for us to act on an opportunity. When I was an addict I prayed and prayed for years but it wasn't until I did some footwork that He was able to give me the strength to be free but it took contact with strong Christians and my sin being exposed. As long as we think we can manage sin in our lives and just "pray" about it God is not free to move in that life.
When I was an addict I prayed and prayed for years but it wasn't until I did some footwork that He was able to give me the strength to be free but it took contact with strong Christians and my sin being exposed. As long as we think we can manage sin in our lives and just "pray" about it God is not free to move in that life.
addict i been down that road not bad mine was mainly weed few beers along the way. it took me getting busted growing on fed land to see the light. every body is different i had done quit by time i got saved everyone is different.