“For His divine power…”
God in His divine power and by His divine power
“…has given us everything required for life and godliness,”
Now to have life on earth we need certain things in place, we must eat and hydrate, we must clothe and sleep and be secure, we must fellowship and love. So what is the purpose of life on earth? Is it to do God’s will above anything and be obedient? Maybe a time to prepare ourselves for Him? Is it not above anything to find and submit to God? Should we not live to have the kind of pureness so that we can spend eternity in God’s presence? In the passage life and godliness is linked by an ‘and’, which means they go together and is not separable. Life is linked to godliness and godliness is linked to life. He has already given us everything to make this special life happen.
“…through the knowledge of Him who called us…”
Him being Christ Jesus who called us. Now we know we are called by Christ to be holy for God who is holy, to prepare to be His bride and spend eternity with Him and God our Father, who simply will not allow sinfulness into His kingdom. In the knowledge of Christ that called us we were given everything required for this.
“…by His own glory and goodness…”
What He, Jesus Christ, done is for His own glory, not ours, and what He has done, He done so by His goodness, not ours.
So everything we have is a result of His goodness, everything required for life and godliness comes from His goodness.
“By these He has given us very great and precious promises…”
Why “by these”? It refers to what came before, namely glory and goodness of Him that we know, that gave us everything for life and godliness. So, because of His glory and goodness we have great and precious promises for that purpose, namely life and godliness. Very cool indeed, and note, nothing of ourselves can or has led to any of these things.
“…so that through them you may share in the divine nature,”
Cool again, those great and precious promises allow us to share in the divine nature that is of God himself. Wow.
We need not do anything, because from ourselves we cannot obtain it, we cannot own it by ourselves and definitely cannot glory because of it. It is truly all of God. So what is the purpose of the divine nature?
“…escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desires.”
Great promises and great gifts for you to obtain your divine nature and then, evil desires will be a thing of the past.