Putting Others Before Ourselves


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Genesis 4:9 (NLT)
"Afterward the LORD asked Cain "where is your brother? Where is Abel?"
"I don't know" Cain responded, "Am I my brother's guardian?"

Throughout God's word we are told to love one another, and we are a guardian of our brother/sister.

A guardian is a protector, someone who guides and cares for another person.

Quite some years ago I belonged to a church who ready lived their faith. There were little things, and not so little, that they went out of their way to look after their brothers and sisters.

People who could not get to church were picked up and taken, if they needed to get to a hospital, they were taken.

Galatians 6:2
"Share each others burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ."

We could probably all think of many ways to share others burdens. Listening, advising. Being a real friend involves so many things.

Bringing lonely people to your home for lunch. Sharing whatever we have with someone who has nothing. Comforting and giving hope.

A guardian is also responsible for guiding people onto the right path, perhaps making them aware of their mistakes.

Whatever you can do for others God watches and blesses and we are being strong witnesses to God.

John 13: 34-35
"So now I am giving you a new commandment
Love each other just as I have loved you, you should love one another. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

I am sure we can add many, many other things and ways to be a good guardian.

Dear Cosia;

Thank you for sharing Putting Others Before Ourselves

It reminds me of the THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse when I'm attempting to post the next Scripture and someone else beats me to it. So I have to go back and do the next, next verse.

But instead of complaining to the moderators, I'm reminded to put others before ourselves. Besides, there are plenty of verses to go around for all of us.
😎 lol!