Questioned Salvation

Poem#102 Questioned Salvation

Who says we can’t question One’s Salvation? God does

True we can’t read, see the heart of man, but God does

Those that claim to follow Jesus should know this

Grace and Truth doesn’t keep the peace, creates conflict

As one should with a restless soul that’s yearning for hope

And as One Yearns to save His Loved ones

Just because One goes to church all His life means He’s Saved

Remember even Demons believe and they’ve been around Him

Before being cast down along with the Fallen Satan

Keeping the peace to restore fellowship is great and all

Except when the Lost Brother is crying out to be found

Just like the Lost sheep crying out for Jesus the Shepherd

If the walk doesn’t match the talk claiming to be from Jesus

Then the Question of Salvation comes into play like it or not

Either now or before The Real Jesus on Judgement day

Be Darned or be damned when we could’ve reached out

Instead of letting the Lost lay in a puddle of bloody shame

Someone’s got to be the Samaritan in the parable of Jesus

Who’s going to be the One that said to Jesus I did all of this

Jesus will reply “I never knew you, depart from me lawlessness

Will it be the One that Questioned Salvation or the One that Passed?

Way of Salvation is the straight and narrow Truth of Jesus Christ

Not by good works, not by sitting in, serving in church, in a lifetime

Salvation is only through the Grace of Jesus redemption of our Sin

Matthew 7:21-23, Ephesians 2:1-10