Dear fellow forumsiters,
I hail from Africa, but see your media almost daily (it's influence has reached every where).
My question is, how does it feel living in America, at this particular point in time?
Cause for me, reading your news is just upsetting.
I concur with Prophet Brian Carn who said America has many dark days ahead, that only if your faith in God is firm will you be alright.
Reading your news goes to show just how far the sin has gone.
It feels as though those walking with God have their freedom limited, like they are fast becoming the minority, whilst sin raucously takes over.
....Gender transformations and how a whole nation can be held captive and celebrate people who transform as a hero is beyond beyond.
....Weird, creepy, scary, ungodly and totally anti Christ statues being campaigned to be up in public.
Funny I say, but even the world is picking up weird vibes.
Take heart, there is no space for compromise - you will be swept away with the future tide or wave of sin. It was prophesied. God is still on the throne. Let's give him our lives cause there's nothing out there. Peace
I would like to say that as a born again blood washed believer.....and standing on a prophecy that i have heard....I believe that God is going to restore our naton, back unto us belivers. Yes america has made some mistakes (of which being transgendered is not one of them, research is a birth defect...and is all over the world, in fact america is late on recognizing it)....but there are plenty of Blood Bought Believers who are The Body of Christ, whom God is listening to and moving in their lives. Things that you are seeing, are yes..the result of sin....but it is a wake up call for the Body of Christ to wake up and begin to be the Body that God has called us to be. Its not time to sit back and condem America. Its not time to give up and just crawl into a hole and die or just wait for the rapture. Now is the time to stand up and begin acting like we actually read and understand the Word of God. To behave like we are the Body of Christ (which Christ means the anointing). Like we truly walk in His ways. To take the living Word of God, and His Love, to those who are perishing. To love God with all our hearts and minds and strength. Time to get back to our first love.....which is Jesus the Christ, or messiah and anointing that removes burdens and destroys the yolks of bondage.
As God appeared and spoke to King Solomon... if My People, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now please recognize that God did not say...the whole nation. He said if My people....and i am one of His people and i choose to humble myself before Him and pray for this nation and every nation in this world. For God also said in Philippians 2:9-11 that Wherefore God also hath Highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name: That at the Name of Jesus Every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in the earth, and things under the earth; And that Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ Is Lord, to the Glory of God The Father.
God placed me in this nation that was founded upon people who loved God, were dedicated to Him, and dedicated this nation to Him. And i am not about to leave my faith in God and His love and grace behind, to start bad mouthing America or any other country for that matter. It is not my place to judge. But to get on my face before God and intercede for the lost sheep of this world, and for God to get Godly leaders back into power. To pray to the Lord of The Harvest to get Laborers across their paths so that they will not be lost for eternity. We as The Body of Christ, should be doing that for all people especially for the people in wherever God has placed us. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to Everyone that believes;....for there in is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall Live by Faith.
I mean look at what is not in the news....God is doing wonderful things in Russia, and other countries. Yet we never hear about it. And honestly don't you think that this makes the devil mad? Don't we think that he is going to retaliate and make people think that it is God? Wake up people.....the real master at deception is out there pulling the wool over peoples eyes (believers too) and if we don't get our spiritual eyes connected with the Holy Spirit...we will become those in 2 Thess 2:11. In Matthew 13:12 Says....To those who listen to My teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.
In Christ
grace and peace be yours in abundance!