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1. In Habakkuk 2:4, we are told "the just shall live by faith."

Does that mean that the just conduct their lives by faith or does it mean that the just are given life because of their faith?

2. In Matthew 6:12 we are told to pray "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

Does this mean that we won't be forgiven as long as we hold a grudge against someone?

These are just a couple of things I've been mulling over. What do ya'll think?
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1. I want to go to Romans 1:17 but, the verse starts in the middle of a thought, so if you read Roman 1:17 read 16 too but 17 is where, I think we can find clarity.

Romans 1:17
New King James Version
17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”

The righteousness of God is to be in continuous union with Him. We accept this righteousness in faith and we receive Jesus Christ by faith and then we live in Him by that same faith ("faith to faith").

Galatians 3:12 may be helpful in this also.

2. Matthew 18:21-35
I think we are to consider how God forgives us without limit and show the same mercy to our neighbors.
1. I believe that to live in faith is to put our trust in GOD for everything.

2. Let us take a look at Matthew 6:14 and 15...
14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Forgiveness is not for the who wronged you, it is for you to let go of the hurt. There is nothing a person can carry that is heavier than a grudge. It fills you with bitterness and anger, it causes negative effects on your health as it eats away at you. Often times I have seen people angry at another and the other doesn't even know about it. If we are to be Christian, then we are to be like Christ. He willingly died to take away the sins of everyone
that is willing to be a whosoever will. Some of the same people that shouted crucify him! were then saved at the preaching on the day of pentecost.
It is not easy to forgive, but we must try. For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten son. Jesus told us to love one another as He loved us. He forgave all of our sins, we in turn should be willing to forgive each other as well.
1. In Habakkuk 2:4, we are told "the just shall live by faith." Does that mean that the just conduct their lives by faith or does it mean that the just are given life because of their faith?

2. In Matthew 6:12 we are told to pray "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." Does this mean that we won't be forgiven as long as we hold a grudge against someone?

These are just a couple of things I've been mulling over. What do ya'll think?

Good morning, BibleLover;

In Habakkuk 2:4 I believe both. We are given life by conduct in our faith and justified because of our faith. Habakkuk 2:4 is one of my "go to" passages when I come across a situation where I'm tempted to blow trumpets to myself.

In Matthew 6:12, yes. We must remember God sees our hearts in everything so when we seek His forgiveness yet we hold a grudge against another means our Father will not forgive us.

Matthew 6:12-15 is a fundamental teaching for all Christians, yet it's sad that many who are familiar with this passage still carry unforgiveness after so much time toward others in their lives.

God bless you, BibleLover.

1. In Habakkuk 2:4, we are told "the just shall live by faith."

Does that mean that the just conduct their lives by faith or does it mean that the just are given life because of their faith?

2. In Matthew 6:12 we are told to pray "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

Does this mean that we won't be forgiven as long as we hold a grudge against someone?

These are just a couple of things I've been mulling over. What do ya'll think?
Good morning BibleLover,

These are really thought-provoking questions. At first, I considered giving a straightforward answer to the first one, but the more I thought about it, the more I wondered—perhaps sometimes it's best to sit with a question until we gain a deeper understanding. It’s also incredibly important to learn from those who are far ahead of me on the path to God and to seek answers in His Word, where so much wisdom is already given.

Regarding the second question, I wonder—could it be that this idea of forgiveness includes something even deeper? We are called to forgive our debtors, but could it be that we, too, are among them? Sometimes, when we recognize our own sins and how we've treated others, we realize that we've done things we can never undo. And even if the person we've wronged has forgiven us—how do we forgive ourselves?

I wonder… If we struggle to show ourselves the same mercy we are asked to extend to others, does that somehow affect our ability to fully receive God's forgiveness? I don’t have a answer, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you again for these questions—they have given me a lot to reflect on.

Blessings to you all.
1. In Habakkuk 2:4, we are told "the just shall live by faith."

Does that mean that the just conduct their lives by faith or does it mean that the just are given life because of their faith?
Faith is a gift, so we can't claim it as our own, thus I'll go with the 1st choice, we are counted as just by faith.
2. In Matthew 6:12 we are told to pray "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

Does this mean that we won't be forgiven as long as we hold a grudge against someone?
'as we forgive others'. We have been forgiven (past, present and future) by faith in Jesus. As we grow in grace we realize more and more our 'forgiveness', and, as we do, we can't but help forgive others. It's a mark of a mature Christian.
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Good morning BibleLover,

These are really thought-provoking questions. At first, I considered giving a straightforward answer to the first one, but the more I thought about it, the more I wondered—perhaps sometimes it's best to sit with a question until we gain a deeper understanding. It’s also incredibly important to learn from those who are far ahead of me on the path to God and to seek answers in His Word, where so much wisdom is already given.

Regarding the second question, I wonder—could it be that this idea of forgiveness includes something even deeper? We are called to forgive our debtors, but could it be that we, too, are among them? Sometimes, when we recognize our own sins and how we've treated others, we realize that we've done things we can never undo. And even if the person we've wronged has forgiven us—how do we forgive ourselves?

I wonder… If we struggle to show ourselves the same mercy we are asked to extend to others, does that somehow affect our ability to fully receive God's forgiveness? I don’t have a answer, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about.

Would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you again for these questions—they have given me a lot to reflect on.

Blessings to you all.
Hello Yurii, it's good to hear from you. I hope you and your family are managing well over there. You're constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

Self-forgiveness is one of the most difficult things we can do. We all remember things from our pasts that cause regret, shame, or sadness, and oddly enough, we can hold grudges against ourselves.

What helps me in such situations is for me to remember the forgiveness Christ has given me, and who am I that I should overrule Jesus. Another thing that helps is remembering that nothing in the past can be changed, so instead of harboring self-unforgiveness and wallowing in regret, I choose to learn from those experiences so that I can grow better in my faith.

God bless you and your family, brother.
Hello Yurii, it's good to hear from you. I hope you and your family are managing well over there. You're constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

Self-forgiveness is one of the most difficult things we can do. We all remember things from our pasts that cause regret, shame, or sadness, and oddly enough, we can hold grudges against ourselves.

What helps me in such situations is for me to remember the forgiveness Christ has given me, and who am I that I should overrule Jesus. Another thing that helps is remembering that nothing in the past can be changed, so instead of harboring self-unforgiveness and wallowing in regret, I choose to learn from those experiences so that I can grow better in my faith.

God bless you and your family, brother.
Good morning,

Thank you so much for your response and for your care. Your words truly resonated with me—especially this: *"forgiveness Christ has given me, and who am I that I should overrule Jesus."* That really struck a chord. It’s something I’ve thought about before, but the way you put it made me stop and reflect on it again. Thank you for that.

And thank you for your prayers—I truly appreciate them.

As for how we’re doing—by God’s grace, we’re well. Of course, "well" can mean different things to different people. What seems normal to one person might feel difficult to another. But in the end, isn’t that the journey? No matter where we are or what we face, if Jesus is at the center, our perspective shifts.

Gratitude changes everything. And when we trust that God gives us exactly what we need in this moment, it makes it easier to walk forward in faith.

Blessings to you and your family,
Good morning, brothers and sisters!

My heart keeps returning to the topic of self-forgiveness. This morning, during my time in prayer, the Lord revealed a truth I feel compelled to share with you all.

You know, until we truly forgive ourselves, we'll find ourselves constantly drawn back to our sins. These thoughts, like shadows, darken our mood, filling us with pain and regret. And when we encounter the person we've wronged, these feelings intensify. We drown in the past, endlessly apologizing, and in their presence, we feel a deep unhappiness. This unhappiness, like a burden, weighs not only on us but also on the one we've hurt. And these apologies no longer bring healing; they only pull us both back into the past, preventing us from moving forward with God. We get trapped in a vicious cycle that keeps us from letting go of sin and moving on.

That's why self-forgiveness is so crucial! Not just for our sake, but for the sake of others. Don't let the past define your future. Instead of dwelling in regret, channel your energy into becoming a better person, into doing good deeds, into serving God and your fellow human beings.

May the Lord bless you on this journey!
Good morning, brothers and sisters!

My heart keeps returning to the topic of self-forgiveness. This morning, during my time in prayer, the Lord revealed a truth I feel compelled to share with you all.

You know, until we truly forgive ourselves, we'll find ourselves constantly drawn back to our sins. These thoughts, like shadows, darken our mood, filling us with pain and regret. And when we encounter the person we've wronged, these feelings intensify. We drown in the past, endlessly apologizing, and in their presence, we feel a deep unhappiness. This unhappiness, like a burden, weighs not only on us but also on the one we've hurt. And these apologies no longer bring healing; they only pull us both back into the past, preventing us from moving forward with God. We get trapped in a vicious cycle that keeps us from letting go of sin and moving on.

That's why self-forgiveness is so crucial! Not just for our sake, but for the sake of others. Don't let the past define your future. Instead of dwelling in regret, channel your energy into becoming a better person, into doing good deeds, into serving God and your fellow human beings.

May the Lord bless you on this journey!

Hello brother Yurii;

I was checking in and came across your good post. I'd like to respond and will get back to you tomorrow.

During this time, may God bless you, Yurii, and your entire family.

My heart keeps returning to the topic of self-forgiveness. This morning, during my time in prayer, the Lord revealed a truth I feel compelled to share with you all.
I’ve never heard of ’self-forgiveness’ how does that compare to the forgiveness that God richly bestows upon us?
Could Israel have forgiven herself in 1Ki 8:33-34 to avert God’s Judgment?
1 Kings 8:33-34 CEV
Suppose your people Israel sin against you, and then an enemy defeats them. If they come to this temple and beg for forgiveness, [34] listen from your home in heaven. Forgive them and bring them back to the land you gave their ancestors.
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Good morning, brothers and sisters! My heart keeps returning to the topic of self-forgiveness. This morning, during my time in prayer, the Lord revealed a truth I feel compelled to share with you all. You know, until we truly forgive ourselves, we'll find ourselves constantly drawn back to our sins. These thoughts, like shadows, darken our mood, filling us with pain and regret. And when we encounter the person we've wronged, these feelings intensify. We drown in the past, endlessly apologizing, and in their presence, we feel a deep unhappiness. This unhappiness, like a burden, weighs not only on us but also on the one we've hurt. And these apologies no longer bring healing; they only pull us both back into the past, preventing us from moving forward with God. We get trapped in a vicious cycle that keeps us from letting go of sin and moving on. That's why self-forgiveness is so crucial! Not just for our sake, but for the sake of others. Don't let the past define your future. Instead of dwelling in regret, channel your energy into becoming a better person, into doing good deeds, into serving God and your fellow human beings. May the Lord bless you on this journey!
I’ve never heard of’self-forgiveness’ how does that compare to the forgiveness that God richly bestows upon us? Could Israel have forgiven herself in 1Ki 8:33-34 to avert God’s Judgment? 1 Kings 8:33-34 CEV Suppose your people Israel sin against you, and then an enemy defeats them. If they come to this temple and beg for forgiveness, [34] listen from your home in heaven. Forgive them and bring them back to the land you gave their ancestors.

Good morning, Yurii;

Your expression of "self-forgiveness" is "forgiving ourselves." There is a key word you mention in forgiving ourselves, and that is "truly."

God sees the hearts of those who seek His forgiveness. He will still forgive but the Holy Spirit is also at work and will fill you with those negative emotions (conviction) that you described when we are not being truthful.

These endless apologies and unhappiness that lead us back to our sin is obvious with God, He also knows when we repent to avert His judgment. God knows us better than we know ourselves yet we don't see it within ourselves. We have not truly sought God's forgiveness.

I struggled with this insincere repentance for years and had to ask God to help me in this area. Now, each day I ask God to help me be truly sincere in seeking His forgiveness. I also do a self check and ask God to help me forgive myself. God is faithful and most definitely will help us in this area.

After God's mercies, forgiveness and grace is upon us no matter what sin, we can forgive ourselves and the result is peace, calm and the ability to think in obedience rather than disobedience.

God bless you, Yurii, and thank you for sharing your heart on forgiving ourselves.

We must live in today, the past is gone and there is nothing we can do to change what was done. All we can do is apologise and forgive. Sometimes it is the devil that brings up the past wrongs that we have done, we should remind ourselves in these moments that Jesus has already dealt with that and it is removed from us as far as the east is from the west. Tell the devil to step away and worry about his own sins. Understanding our relationship with Jesus and the work HE did for us is of the utmost importance. When you feel down start praising HIS name and all HE has done for us. GOD's love for us is unconditional, salvation was HIS idea not ours. When GOD says we are forgiven, we know that it is true because GOD said it. May the love of GOD fill you and your household always.
2. In Matthew 6:12 we are told to pray "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

Does this mean that we won't be forgiven as long as we hold a grudge against someone?
All sins relate to this life only. After death, sins are not an issue. Christ paid for all the sins of both the believer and unbeliever (2 Peter 2:1; 1 John 2:2)
For example, if you read the consequences of Adam and Eve's sins recorded in Genesis, you will see that not one consequence relates to eternity. Man is not eternally condemned for his sins. The unbeliever's condemnation for his sins (again see Adam and Eve), is only temporary.

So, the answer to your question 2. is Yes. But remember, that only relates to this life. There is no eternal condemnation for sins. If fact, if your read 2 Cor 5, all sins were imputed to Christ and paid for, both for believers and unbelievers. The only thing that eternally condemns someone is not responding to God's offer of salvation. And, according to Rom 1, man knows enough about God intuitively, to be held accountable to him.
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There is a common thread between the two statements the first regarding Habakkuk 2:4 and the ‘just living by faith’ and the second regarding Matthew 6:12 and asking God to forgive us “as we forgive our debtors” that I would like to mention:

That is that connection/question is whether they are cause/effect relationships, or whether they are statements of a more fundamental (and eternally linked) relationship.

I.E., is life intricately the result of living in a just manner?


Does our willingness and acts to forgive others play a necessary pre-condition to God forgiving our sins?

In my meditations, I find myself unwilling to accept cause/effect relationships in either case. I note that in most understandings of physical reality, a cause cannot precede its effect. But much of spiritual understanding is beyond physical processes. Thus, the righteous in pre-Christian times were saved by the same cross, even though it was future to them.


In the first case (Living by faith), it is a little more complex. Surely eternal life is given to those that have faith in the cross (and that faith is the result of a saving belief in the cross), but that faith takes no longer than a twinkling of an eye but has the same result as one that liven lived their faith through a long and trial filled life.

In the second case (forgive ourselves as we forgive others) There is a lot there, but one meaning that I would not like to discount would be an argument for our understanding how a righteous God can forgive us? That, in a much larger way is how we should forgive others. A tiny ‘in-kind’ example of where our forgiving hearts should be.
There is a common thread between the two statements the first regarding Habakkuk 2:4 and the ‘just living by faith’ and the second regarding Matthew 6:12 and asking God to forgive us “as we forgive our debtors” that I would like to mention:

That is that connection/question is whether they are cause/effect relationships, or whether they are statements of a more fundamental (and eternally linked) relationship.

I.E., is life intricately the result of living in a just manner?


Does our willingness and acts to forgive others play a necessary pre-condition to God forgiving our sins?

In my meditations, I find myself unwilling to accept cause/effect relationships in either case. I note that in most understandings of physical reality, a cause cannot precede its effect. But much of spiritual understanding is beyond physical processes. Thus, the righteous in pre-Christian times were saved by the same cross, even though it was future to them.


In the first case (Living by faith), it is a little more complex. Surely eternal life is given to those that have faith in the cross (and that faith is the result of a saving belief in the cross), but that faith takes no longer than a twinkling of an eye but has the same result as one that liven lived their faith through a long and trial filled life.

In the second case (forgive ourselves as we forgive others) There is a lot there, but one meaning that I would not like to discount would be an argument for our understanding how a righteous God can forgive us? That, in a much larger way is how we should forgive others. A tiny ‘in-kind’ example of where our forgiving hearts should be.

Good morning, Siloam;

I read your good post carefully. Please clarify more these statements from your post? I'd like to respond.

"is life intricately the result of living in a just manner?"

"Does our willingness and acts to forgive others play a necessary pre-condition to God forgiving our sins?"

"In my meditations, I find myself unwilling to accept cause/effect relationships in either case. I note that in most understandings of physical reality, a cause cannot precede its effect."

In the first case (Living by faith), it is a little more complex. Surely eternal life is given to those that have faith in the cross (and that faith is the result of a saving belief in the cross),
but that faith takes no longer than a twinkling of an eye but has the same result as one that liven lived their faith through a long and trial filled life.

God bless you, brother, and thank you for sharing.
