Race (human or not) and Racism (subbed concoction of vain human thought)

It's usually the first borns who are priveliged, of any family.
Because a lot of wealthy people ARE white, people tend to think it's because of their skin as that's what they see first.

But wealthy people can be of any 'race'. People with money usually get served first though, that is the culture of many societies. Wealth can buy you status and prestige.
I remember one of my workmates, she had a Indian dad and a pakeha (white) mum, and she was saying white privelige exists.

The thing is people may treat you better if you are white. In Indian families, the paler the skin, the more 'high caste' you are. Their society is very caste bound. The English (Anglos) ruled India for a time.

Another of my friends dad was Jamaican and her mother was white(English) . She definitely felt that her dad was excluded from many things in England because he was 'black'. Like her mothers friends wouldn't even speak to him and treated him like a servant or someone inferior.

However I suspect that her mother might not be treated so well in Guyana where she was born. I think depends where you go, who is ruling at the time.

In NZ most of the owners of the big businesses, govts, mayors etc have been English but not all British people are English. There are Scots, Welsh, Irish. And the Brits look down on other Europeans, esp Eastern Europeans (even though they are 'white') . It was because the English have this tradition of, not ever being slaves, but enslaving everyone else!
It's usually the first borns who are priveliged, of any family.
Because a lot of wealthy people ARE white, people tend to think it's because of their skin as that's what they see first.

But wealthy people can be of any 'race'. People with money usually get served first though, that is the culture of many societies. Wealth can buy you status and prestige.

The CRT nonsense that's sweeping through our culture here in the U.S. is based purely upon skin color, not economic standing. CRT is nothing more than pay-back racism, where the end justifies the means, even when it's perpetrated by a generation that has never picked cotton in their lives, perpetrated against a generation that has never owned slaves, never held anyone back on any basis whatsoever, especially skin color, and has exhibited less bias and racism than at any other time since the slave days.

So, when I walk through the university campus and stop at the CRT table, the students working those tables are those who daily put on the 'makeup' of victimhood, complaining that they, as a so-called "race," have been kept from advancing (whatever that means) as they think they should have. Their narrative is such that, because of my lighter skin color (even though I'm Indian-Israeli mix), I have allegedly been enjoying unfair privilege/advantage, as if all that I have achieved was not all earned, but some of it having been given to me, as if on a silver platter.

There are some wonderful men and women out there standing up against the destructive tides sweeping culture only because they are given voice none of the rest of us has within mass media. You sure won't see this great man in CNN or MSNBC or The View:

It's past time we all learn to love one another as Christ commanded.


It's usually the first borns who are priveliged, of any family.
Because a lot of wealthy people ARE white, people tend to think it's because of their skin as that's what they see first.

But wealthy people can be of any 'race'. People with money usually get served first though, that is the culture of many societies. Wealth can buy you status and prestige.

My experience on this subject is that it is the CUTEST who get served 1st. That has always been what has happened to me!!!

I remember one of my workmates, she had a Indian dad and a pakeha (white) mum, and she was saying white privelige exists.

The thing is people may treat you better if you are white. In Indian families, the paler the skin, the more 'high caste' you are. Their society is very caste bound. The English (Anglos) ruled India for a time.

Another of my friends dad was Jamaican and her mother was white(English) . She definitely felt that her dad was excluded from many things in England because he was 'black'. Like her mothers friends wouldn't even speak to him and treated him like a servant or someone inferior.

However I suspect that her mother might not be treated so well in Guyana where she was born. I think depends where you go, who is ruling at the time.

In NZ most of the owners of the big businesses, govts, mayors etc have been English but not all British people are English. There are Scots, Welsh, Irish. And the Brits look down on other Europeans, esp Eastern Europeans (even though they are 'white') . It was because the English have this tradition of, not ever being slaves, but enslaving everyone else!

We also don't hear anything in mass media about slavery still being practiced to this very day within more than 50 of the 90+ islamic countries around the world. Statistics tell a story to those who know how to read them.

The CRT nonsense that's sweeping through our culture here in the U.S. is based purely upon skin color, not economic standing. CRT is nothing more than pay-back racism, where the end justifies the means, even when it's perpetrated by a generation that has never picked cotton in their lives, perpetrated against a generation that has never owned slaves, never held anyone back on any basis whatsoever, especially skin color, and has exhibited less bias and racism than at any other time since the slave days.

So, when I walk through the university campus and stop at the CRT table, the students working those tables are those who daily put on the 'makeup' of victimhood, complaining that they, as a so-called "race," have been kept from advancing (whatever that means) as they think they should have. Their narrative is such that, because of my lighter skin color (even though I'm Indian-Israeli mix), I have allegedly been enjoying unfair privilege/advantage, as if all that I have achieved was not all earned, but some of it having been given to me, as if on a silver platter.

There are some wonderful men and women out there standing up against the destructive tides sweeping culture only because they are given voice none of the rest of us has within mass media. You sure won't see this great man in CNN or MSNBC or The View:

It's past time we all learn to love one another as Christ commanded.



I can not begin to tell you all how wonderfully blessed the state of Florida is. We have Gov. Ron DeSantis and he has stopped CRT dead in its tracks!

He says he will get child protective services to investigate parents in the state who take their children to drag queen shows.

The Tampa Bat Rays baseball team and its local allies tried to sell a program for a youth sports facility whose real purpose would be to gift the Rays a new operations center. But DeSantis rightly took the position that if the team wants a new place for its players to train, the team should pay for it itself.

He forced a Florida law that banned gender indoctrination in grades K-3 in public schools.

He also said that girls will play sports against girls and NOT transgender's!

He has made more common sense, Christian valued decisions than anyone I have ever seen in politics!
IT is as though the world is looking into a mirror backwards,where everything is the opposite of what it should be.
Some ppl of all races have the right thinking that all these groups are only self interested.

What is the place where BELIEVERS are to stand bc the word makes it plain there are no differences in race or gender. We are fighting an enemy that only the Spirit can overcome.

We must become CRITICAL THINKERS, where we question everything of the world we are told. CT is good to use among the expanses that preach their own salvation and religions.
We also don't hear anything in mass media about slavery still being practiced to this very day within more than 50 of the 90+ islamic countries around the world. Statistics tell a story to those who know how to read them.

Probably because your mass media doesn't think it affects their audience, or they don't have access to Islamic countries news. It's a bit tightly controlled what other countries allow others to know about their work practices.
I was reading about sugar plantations in Guyana..common in colonial times, not only sugar but blackbirding and other slave labour contracts by the British who farmed out their labour to other countries.
The less people knew about it the better..if the land was far away, it wasn't under the priveliged peoples radar how much it cost to get their sugar, coffee, heroin, fertiliser or whatever luxury item they took for granted.

The ruling elites of any nation often kept their subjects in the dark about what working conditions were truly like for the workers and yes many used slavery as means to an end.
This is why most people if they have a choice don't want to 'work for the man' when the man is cruel and treats them badly. There is no hope for a future if you are always kept down and not given any opportunity be your own person.

People do seem to judge on skin colour just as they judge a woman by how she looks. If she's young and pretty, she can make a fortune and be easily exploited, but if her looks fade, she's got no cachet.
Regarding skin colour, it was deemed in colonial times that darker skinned people made better outdoor workers because their skin was more protected from the sun. White people didn't want to work outdoors, and it is true that they don't really fare well under the hot sun. They just get a redneck.

But both white and dark skinned people use methods to lighten or darken their skin (bleach, tanning lotion etc). As for freckled people...well for some they don't get treated well either. And if you do have red hair, you always get called a 'ginga'.
Probably because your mass media doesn't think it affects their audience, or they don't have access to Islamic countries news. It's a bit tightly controlled what other countries allow others to know about their work practices.

Actually, no, Lanolin. Our media is well aware of what's going on in muslim countries. They know that homosexuals are thrown off high-rise buildings in muslim countries, and that slavery is alive and well within islam. There's even a video of an imam declaring to the world that they, islamics, will continue to multiply across the world, go door to door, and force non-muslims to either pay extortion money, or are killed if they refuse to convert to islam. Our mass media routinely publish stories about things they make up, and stories about things that back their cause for social and cultural perversion, such as trying to make parents look bad who don't want their eight year old children taught about transgenderism and homosexuality in school in the place of academics.

Yeah, our mass media giants here in America are a piece of work. I don't know what temperature the flames will be in their section of Hell for media giant owners and workers, those who die without redemption, but they are what Ps 5:5 says are workers of iniquity, whom the Lord God hateth. This idea out there in theological circles that believe God hates nobody...well, they don't know scripture. They are aiding and abetting great harm to little children by enticing them to sin against God and their own bodies, including their own parents.

Californication public school teachers across that state indoctrinating children into the perverse lifestyles; even teaching them to question their physical gender. A report I saw last night revealed that large corporations are making BILLION$ off sex change therapy and operations on children. So-called "sex change" has become an industry here in the U.S.! The love of money...

So, Lanolin, our mass media here is not as benevolent at all, as you appear to think they are. They also are not ignorant of the evils transpiring in islamic countries. They too have seen the viseos of homosexuals being thrown to their deaths off high rise buildings. They simply turn a blind eye, satiating their broken, moral compasses with the idea that those murders are perpetrated by a small, allegedly "extreme" minority. They ignore the crowds of average muslims standing at the ground level, waiting and watching in blood-thirsty anticipation, and cheering the murder of homosexuals. Nobama claiming that islam is a religion of peace...well, it may be for a minority, but not the majority worldwide. Terrorists would not have the wealth of support they have if supported only by a minority of fellow muslims. Ignoring the realities, and refusing to report on the obvious when it doesn't fit in with the current agendas and narratives, that's what they do. That's mass media. It isn't news, it's cultural brainwashing (otherwise known as social engineering, like what's happening in our public schools).

I don't think your mass media is benevolent, its just self-interested.

Why pay it any attention? It's actually fueled by advertising, if it had no advertising to pay for it, it wouldn't be on air.

In most countries there is some sort of censorship and standards of broadcasting people need to adhere to, but these can all change at a govts whims, but the govt is usually what the majority have voted for, even if it goes rogue, but that is what happens in a democracy. Dictatorships can get voted in even in a democracy/republic. Thing is people aren't always aware they voted in a dictator until a few terms in they show their true colours when power goes to their head, and then people can vote them out again.

That is just the way it goes.
btw I never said mass -media was benevolent, so not sure where you got that idea from!

You also can't tell me I appear to think one way, and claim so, when I don't.
I don't think your mass media is benevolent, its just self-interested.

Why pay it any attention? It's actually fueled by advertising, if it had no advertising to pay for it, it wouldn't be on air.

In most countries there is some sort of censorship and standards of broadcasting people need to adhere to, but these can all change at a govts whims, but the govt is usually what the majority have voted for, even if it goes rogue, but that is what happens in a democracy. Dictatorships can get voted in even in a democracy/republic. Thing is people aren't always aware they voted in a dictator until a few terms in they show their true colours when power goes to their head, and then people can vote them out again.

That is just the way it goes.

Hi, Lanolin,

I pay attention to mass media nonsense because it has such horrendous influence and control over so many people's thinking in America. As sad as that is, it's astounding how many of our youth these days allow media and propaganda to influence their beliefs about the world around them. To them, those people on the TV screen have greater credibility for what they lie about than their own parents, or you, or me.

So, therein is why I pay attention. The worst thing one can do is turn his or her back on the enemy, thinking that the battle will simply take care of itself. We are commanded to fight the good fight, which goes beyond the scope of our own, individual, microcosmic worlds. Every time I've ever stuck my head in the sand, there was always that one part of my anatomy still sticking up in the air above ground...
