Reading the Bible

Feb 7, 2015
I wanted to simply put this out there. For most of us this is just common sense but to many I hope it intrigues them to study this out.

We can not just pull things from the Bible and use them as we see fit. We can not say well it's in the Bible and it makes sense so it must be so.

We must learn to Rightly Divide The Scriptures.
This means Learning which Covenant they were written under as well as keeping them in context.

Far to many people are taking bits and pieces of Scripture without any understanding and using them to back their thinking. That will always end up in error.

The problem with that is one must use the stripped out scriptures with human reasoning or natural thinking.
This is NO different then any unsaved person reading the Bible and using scripture as they see or understand. It then just becomes any old book and not the Anointed Most Holy Written Word of God.

Just because one is born again does not constitute that they have true understanding of the scriptures and there is way to much of this is what I think going on.

Friends it does not matter what any of us think - it only matters what God is saying.

I hope this will encourage some to learn how to study God's Word.
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Great post fcj something we all need to remember. And some bible teachers can fall into this trap. (Ah the sunday school memory verse) Yes verses can help us as it is like spiritual swords..but thats not all the Bible is.

Scholars can also overanalyse for example many people think the seven churches in revelation are seven church AGES. But the bible just says they are seven churches! I dont know where the ages thing from. They are not looking at the context of WHEN it was written. (To John, exiled on the isle of patmos...which is in greece and this was before the destruction of the temple..that is why the churches there are referenced by name they are in the mediterranean, at the time known as Asia. )

Anyway just want to encourage everyone the Bible is not a book you pull to pieces that you bend and shape to your own circumstance. Yes it is spiritual but its also historical..its Gods story. You cant say well we need to learn the ten commandments all over again (and all the laws in Leviticus) because the law was not given for us (gentiles) to keep and make sacrifices and offerings it was given specifically to the that they would come to Christ. Yes we can learn from it. But if we are under the new covenant the most important words are what Jesus said. Everything points to Jesus.

When you read the bible, you actually are for the most part reading a story. This story has Gods wisdom for you to apply. The stories have inspirational acts of God meant to encourage you. And when you are reading the letters paul wrote you are reading theology and Godly advice. You arent reading just a book of random pocket positive affirmations or consulting a horoscope which seems to me how some people read it. Or an instruction manual. I know people like bite size bits and pieces of scripture but its not effective to read the Bible like that. The soundbite as it were. people need to really feast on the word of God not just snack on it.

If you need help reading the Bible just ask God. He will lead you and guide you. Jesus opened up scriptures to people who had been reading the Bible since they were eight days old and they still did not know it was all about Him! These people were wondering who this Jesus person was as if He was just an ordinary guy when right from the start God had a plan to send His son to redeem mankind. Its not about us .and what WE think about God, as if its nothing more than a bunch of essays of people trying to figure Him out ...its about God and his love FOR us in His own very words.