Secrets leaker Manning to begin gender treatments

Army Private Bradley Manning, now Chelsea Manning, is escorted away from his Article 32 hearing February 23, 2012, in Fort Meade, Maryland.
July 18, 2014
WASHINGTON (AP) — National security leaker Chelsea Manning can get initial treatment for a gender-identity condition from the military after the Bureau of Prisons rejected the Army's request to accept her transfer from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to a civilian facility.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has approved the Army's recommendation to keep the Army private in military custody and start a rudimentary level of gender treatment, a defense official said Thursday. Defense officials have said the Army doesn't have the medical expertise needed to give Manning the best treatment. [Complete Article]
And if he completes the treatment, including full surgery, do they transfer him to the women's prison? Or does he become a sweet treat for those incarcerated in Fort Leavenworth now?

(Sic)"...Manning has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, the sense of being a woman in a man's body."