Respecting the Lord

I didn't recognize the verse at first until I looked it up in the KJV. I've long grown accustomed to the language of the KJV.

Proverbs 22:4 (KJV)
By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.

The fear of the Lord is and important concept that is well worth taking the time to study. Sometimes that fear was actual fear, but generally it does speak more to proper reverence or respect. I found 30 occurrences of this term in the KJV. Primarily found in Proverbs and Isaiah with only one occurrence in the New Testament (Acts 9:31).

Proverbs 1:7 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding and the concept is important enough that this is repeated in Job 28:28, Ps 111:10. Having a proper reverence or respect for God will lead us to understanding his words and his way.

God's way is blessed in so many ways. Most of the blessings are spiritual when we fear the Lord. Sometimes God blesses us in material ways as well, but God knows when the material might bring harm rather than good.

I send these morning verses/quotes to a wide cross-section of people.
Many of them are "new to the faith" Christians, so using a bible version written in 1611 A.D.
will not connect with those not familiar with the KJV.
But I respect your choice for using it.

I understand. I hope to add to what you have already given. There are so many nuggets that we can find in God's word well worth talking about and meditating on.

God really does preserve the foolish.

I used to always think about the bad things happening to me, and more bad things would turn up.

now, when I think of lovely things, more lovely things come forth.
Our mind is a fantastic gift from God. And we can choose what's good, or what's bad for our life.
May we always keep in mind: "
And I tell you that on the Judgment Day people will be responsible for every careless thing they have said."
Matthew 12:36 (NCV)
We often hear sayings like "we are what we eat" which I'm sure has elements of truth to it. Our thoughts are like spiritual food that we take in, coming either from a spirit of evil or good. God reminds us to be careful of what we feed our inner being with (Philippians 4:8).
