Revelation is Victory

St. John 16:21
A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.
We can endure much with a hope set before us.
The greatest thing we can pray for is revelation.
The greatest thing we can pray for is revelation.
This is so true. And I think if we love God enough, He ain't shy in ever showing us our hearts, and healing it.

I'm currently unemployed.

And I’ve was searching fruitlessly for a job for over 6 months online and boy its like they are all made of fairy dust or something!

Some have all these incredibly snotty demands…just for basic minimum wage. Crazy unsociable hours, wanting you to do intricate detailed assessments for suitability, rattling my bones in the process and some even expect you to pay for the privilege of working for them. It was making me ill, I was stressed out and felt incredibly crappy. I wasn’t used to this way of doing things online at all. So I quit looking.

And here's the best bit...the good old revelation...

I was brought up to believe I will always have access to a good job and money and be an earner no matter what, and even be first in line because I am a native. I was taught I needn’t compete, but to expect, because jobs were plentiful here and workers were few… little did I know back then A New Generation of people from all over the world were fast being pulled out of poverty and were gaining new skills and, growing and exploring their potential and heading this way. and I'm now completely fine with it. Bring them all over... They are more than welcome.

I love these revelations and heart healings.

Praise God