Revelation: Vision 3. Christ the Mediator.


The Son of God, the Heir to all the estates, will be invested as the Supreme King priest upon the throne in the third heaven. All of heaven will acclaim Him, & that He indeed is worthy. (Rev. 5: 12) The Father will give His Son the nations as His inheritance & the power & authority to execute His will over them, (symbolised by the scroll).

To do this great task, we see Christ operating as a Mediator – one who stands between two parties, (God & Israel), one who will –

`avenge the blood of His servants, and render vengeance to His adversaries; ` plus, `He will provide atonement for His land & His people.` (Deut. 32: 43)

This Mediatorial activity was enacted by Israel once a year on the Day of Atonement – Israel`s National day of repentance & forgiveness. The High priest, standing in for the nation of Israel would go into the Temple with the blood from the sacrifice, mix it with the incense & fire from the Golden Altar & then throw the fire to the ground before the ark of the covenant.


Thus we see Christ as the High Priest standing before the symbolic Golden Altar in heaven, (having shed His own blood). The fire & blood is then thrown to the ground, as it were, in judgments upon the rebellious. (Rev. 8 & 9) `I came to send fire on the earth,...` (Luke 12: 49)
Judgments upon the Rebellious.

The blowing of trumpets, a priestly activity, declare that God`s judgments executed by Christ, are about to come forth upon the nations of the world. The first four trumpet calls are during the early part of the tribulation & affect a third of the earth, the sea, the water & the stars. This would bring about great hardship of famine, lack of fresh water, & great fear. Now we can see why the great multitude from the tribulation, died of hunger, thirst & heat. However we see that they repented before God. (Rev. 7: 16)

The last three trumpets, (5th, 6th & 7th) take place from the middle of the tribulation to the end. These are so terrible that they are referred to as `woes,` - demonic activity of torment, & plagues. When the 7th trumpet sounds then the mystery of God is finished. (Rev. 10: 7) It heralds a great earthquake, Armageddon, & the Lord`s return in power & glory.

Purification of Israel.

Amid the horrific judgments Christ as Mediator also brings `atonement for His land & His people.` This is shown pictorially by the `Messenger of the Covenant` astride land & sea. He swears by Himself, who lives forever. (Rev. 10)

`there is no God beside me....for I lift my hand to heaven & say, “As I live forever....I will render vengeance to my enemies.....He will provide atonement for His land & His people.` (Deut. 32: 39 – 43)

God swears by Himself, for there is no one greater, that He will fulfil the covenant that He promised to Israel –

`...if they (Israel) confess their iniquity....then I will remember my covenant with Jacob,...Isaac....& Abraham.` (Lev. 26: 40 – 42)

Moses & Elijah, (the Law & the Prophets) are sent to turn the hearts of the people back to their God. They remind the people of Israel what the Lord promised in His word – to provide atonement for His land & His people. This means that God will forgive, be merciful, cleanse & pardon the people of Israel who will turn back to Him.
Christ the Victor over the Enemy.

Christ is the Mediator of the Covenant that God made with Israel. As such He represents God as the Son of God, & He represents Israel as the Son of Abraham. Part of God`s covenant with Israel was that God would deliver them from their enemies. This would be done by a `promised son` who would be their deliverer.

The `woman` with the 12 stars, represents Israel who gives birth to a son, Jesus, the promised son. Although he was not received by Israel there will come a time when He will return & deliver them from their enemies. (from Gen. 37: 9 & 10 Isa. 9: 6 & 7)

The graphic battle of the ages unfolds as Satan unleashes his demonic strategies to get rid of the people of Israel. Each of Satan`s names represent his demonic plan –
  • The serpent of old who deludes.
  • Satan, who deceives.
  • The devil who robs, kills & destroys.
  • The dragon, who devours.


Finally Satan represented as the `dragon,` tries to devour God`s chosen people, Israel. God promised that they would rule the nations of the world but Satan sets up his Global Government & persecutes the people of Israel.
Satan`s Global Government.

Satan`s Global Government has a succession of 7 leaders, (7 heads) with the final leader ruling over a cabal of 10 nations, Islam, (10 crowned horns). They rule the great Federations of the world – described in Daniel 7 as

  • a Lion (Great Britain) & Eagle, (USA) - the mouthpiece of the Global Government.
  • a Leopard (European Union) - origin of the Global economic system.
  • a Bear, (the Russian Federation) – the feet, what is left of their army.
  • the terrifying one, (Islam) – the 10 crowned horns, signifying power & control.


Alongside the leader of the Global Government is his executor who not only controls the financial system of the world but also heads up the Religious Counsel, drawing all people to worship Satan himself.

Satan has complete authority & power over this whole `beastly` Global Government. He, the dragon is described with - 7 crowned heads – complete authority, 10 horns - power.

The Lord Jesus Christ, however, is the victor, who overcomes every plan & strategy of the enemy.
Hello Marilyn;

Revelation: Vision 3. Christ the Mediator;

I believe there is a complexity between God, and His Covenant with Israel today, which needs fervent prayer more than ever.

We have seen the past on all four corners of our world and where are we today?

To be truthful, many in Israel don't have a relationship with God, they know nothing about His Covenant just as many Christians don't have a relationship with Jesus nor know anything about Salvation.

Those in this predicament will not know the difference with the Revelations that will take place, judgments on the rebellious, comprehension of Jesus as Mediator and Christ as Victor over the enemy.

There however are many in Israel and the world who do remain in relationship with God, His Covenant and Salvation.

We have the opportunity to know ahead of time of Christ as Mediator. Revelation provides the warning and hope to all peoples.

God bless you, Marilyn.