Revelation: Vision 4. The New Jerusalem.

The Great White Throne

When God`s work in time has finished, there will be a Great White Throne Judgment. The judge opens the `books.` Those whose names are in the book of life will not be judged, however every other person will be judged on how they lived their life – their works according to their God given conscience – some to eternal fire & others to life.

`And I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was no place for them.

And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. .And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.` (Rev. 20: 11 – 15)

The New Heavens & New Earth.

`And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth had passed away....` (Rev. 21: 1)

This is the beginning of eternity. All things have been made new. All rulership is to be restored under Christ in the universe. The first area was in the third heaven (previously) with Christ & His Body as king priests. Then there will come restoration in other realms.

The New Jerusalem.

In eternity it will be time for the other realms to come under Christ`s rulership. It is from the area of Christ`s throne that the new Jerusalem comes down to near the earth. It is the next rulership to be put in place under Christ.

`....prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.` (Rev. 21: 2)

Bride – Heb. `Kallah` meaning as if perfect, from primary root – to complete, make perfect.

The city is a community of people that God has `made perfect.` They believed God`s promise that He would build a city for them.

`...he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.` (Heb. 11: 10)

These are the `just,` (righteous – pre-cross) men and women who believed that God would take them to this city. They awaited in the General assembly in heaven, (Heb. 12: 23) till God`s appointed time. So when the New Jerusalem descends they are given new bodies and are the residents of this palatial city.


Description of the City.

The whole city is described as a `cube,` (four square) which is symbolic of the Holy of Holies in which God spoke to Israel. Thus the city, the community of people is the place where God dwells by His Spirit and speaks to and through His people out to the nations of the world. (Tabernacle – means to dwell)

It is symbolically 12,000 furlongs square. The word `furlongs,` in Greek is `stao,` meaning a measurement & figuratively a covenant. Thus we realise that this city is the one `covenanted` to people in Israel.

Upon the city is God`s glory that shines brighter than the sun, with the city like a crystal reflecting this. Its purpose is to bring forth Christ`s rulership over the earth.
The Jewels of the Foundations – Christ the KingPriest.


God promised to Israel that `Behold, I will lay your stones with colourful gems, and lay your foundations with sapphires....and all your walls of precious stones.` (Isa. 54: 11 & 12)

`For he (Abraham) waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.` (Heb. 11: 10)

Foundations – Gk. `themelioo,` to lay a foundation, to appoint, ordain.

God has built this city, the New Jerusalem, and has appointed and ordained the Lord Jesus Christ, heaven`s KingPriest, as its Ruler. The High Priests would wear the breastplate with the 12 precious gems representing the 12 tribes of Israel and each name of a tribe had a meaning. Christ is the eternal High Priest and each precious stone reveals something of His character and office in Rulership.

Christ`s Character and Offices.

Christ the Voice of God.

Jasper – Naphtali – Conqueror.
Sapphire – Simeon – Voice of God.
Chalcedony – Zebulon – dwelling.

Christ the conqueror, is the Voice of God dwelling with His people.

Christ the King.

Emerald – Reuben – Firstborn, heir.
Sardonyx – Asher – Blessing.
Sardius – Judah – King, ruler.

Christ the firstborn & heir, is the King giving blessings.

Christ the Priest.

Chrysolite – Gad – Righteousness & justice.
Beryl – Levi – Priest.
Topaz – Issachar –Wisdom.

Christ the High Priest, judges with wisdom, righteousness and justice.

Christ at God`s Right Hand.

Chrysoprase – Manassah – forgiveness.
Jacinth – Ephraim – doubly fruitful.
Amethyst – Benjamin – at the right hand of the Father.

Christ the KingPriest, at the right hand of the Father, gives forgiveness & blessings.

(The Stones. Ex. 28: 17 – 21, the tribes. Num. 10: 14 – 17, the meanings. Gen. 29: 32, 30: 1 – 24, 35: 18 Rev. 21: 19 & 20 )

God has used many symbols to explain the rulership of the New Jerusalem. All these symbols are explained in His word & give us great insight into what God has planned. The focus is Christ – what sort or rulership He has, and who is given the responsible positions.

Christ the King. (The Throne)

`And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God & of the lamb shall be in it,....`(Rev. 22: 3)

The word, `throne,` represents the rule & authority of God. We know that God`s eternal throne is in the highest heavens whereas this `throne,` in the New Jerusalem is just above the earth in the universal heavens. It is God & the Lamb`s rule & authority through Israel out to the nations of the world.


Christ`s rulership is based on His Righteous character and consists of the two offices of King & Priest. So who has Christ prepared for these important responsibilities?


The 12 Apostles of the Lamb, were promised this high position, and there we see that they are written on the `foundation of the walls.` Jesus speaking to His 12 disciples –

`Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed me will also sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel.`(Matt. 19: 28)

` Now the wall of the city had 12 foundations, & on them were the names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb.` (Rev. 21: 14)


Christ has set aside 144,000 priests relating to the 12 tribes of Israel. These are symbolically described as `144 cubits,` - Heb. `ammah,` meaning the unit of measurement.

These 144,000 priests were the beginning, the first fruits unto God – the measurement -`pure unto God.` (Rev. 14: 1 – 5) God has promised that Israel will be `a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.` (Ex. 19: 6)

Christ the High Priest. (The Temple)

`I saw no temple in it, for the Lord Almighty and the Lamb are its Temple;..` (Rev. 21:22)

The High Priest`s office was associated with the Temple. He not only interceded for the nation of Israel but he & other priests presided over the nation`s treasuries. (1 Chron. 9: 26) The Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest is greater than the temple and he presides over greater treasures.

` whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.` (Col. 2: 3)

The riches of His love, His kindness & mercy, His wisdom & knowledge are all greater than the temple`s earthly riches. And the glory of Christ far exceeds any sun or moon, no wonder that the kings of the earth desire to enter this wondrous place. (Rev. 21: 22 – 27)


The blessings within the New Jerusalem are now shown to us as a river & a tree with all kinds of fruit. These represent spiritual realities.

The `river of life,` is Christ`s own divine nature that is sent forth from God by the Holy Spirit to refresh, energise & give continuous life to the people. (Rev. 22: 1)

The `tree of Life,` with its 12 fruits each month is the life of service coming from Christ`s life. This enables the community to function & serve, being fruitful in every good work with the `leaves,` drawing in nutriment for continuous health. (Rev. 22: 2)

The Great White Throne
When God`s work in time has finished, there will be a Great White Throne Judgment. The judge opens the `books.` Those whose names are in the book of life will not be judged, however every other person will be judged on how they lived their life – their works according to their God given conscience – some to eternal fire & others to life.
The New Heavens & New Earth.

`And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth had passed away....` (Rev. 21: 1)
This is the beginning of eternity. All things have been made new. All rulership is to be restored under Christ in the universe. The first area was in the third heaven (previously) with Christ & His Body as king priests. Then there will come restoration in other realms.
God has used many symbols to explain the rulership of the New Jerusalem. All these symbols are explained in His word & give us great insight into what God has planned. The focus is Christ – what sort or rulership He has, and who is given the responsible positions.

Hello Marilyn;

This is a nice outline and thank you for presenting it. From what I red-lighted, could you please share what this means for the Believer today?

Many Christians struggle with "an existence of hell" or if we don't heed to the warning from God who loves us and offers us salvation through Christ His only Begotten Son. It is believed though Jesus died on the cross for our sins God would not send the sinner to hell.

How do we reconcile this to the Believer, the whole Book of Revelation and all it's signs, wonders, events and what is to come, or, is it read in vain instead of belief?

God bless you, Marilyn.