Right side of truth?

Right side of truth?

(they’ve stolen my rainbow to highlight their beliefs)

In this day and age, modern thinking, do we have to move on?
embrace a new way of believing, a new revelation? The past perception insignificant in this new age
seems to be so many shades of the truth
So many shades I begin to wonder,
Am I standing on the right side of truth?

Consider a rainbow, different colours
a refraction of one light,
a refraction of one cross
A refraction of one love,
Do I favour red yellow orange,
Bright, Standing out,
Or should one be more conservative green blue middle of the road?
indigo violate a little bit left wing
But does the colour reflect my personality,
Does it reflect my beliefs?
As I look closely into the prism
The colours merge into one light
One God, one cross, one saviour.
In spite of which of the spectrum of colour I’m minded to follow
in spite of which dogma they highlight
All colours that merge to make the rainbow,
No one colour stands out.
Only different colours,
Interpreting, one truth.
Reflecting from where the light comes
the light, the Son of God.
Remember the promise of the rainbow…
And it’s not a crock of gold!

“I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life”.

Genesis 9:12
Hello Alan;

I was watching a news segment on a movie which I feel is a good example of your poem.

Let me get my thoughts out. When I was in my 20s and early 30s I felt seniors were helpless to the changing times of the world and they couldn't to do anything about it.

At Church we would sing Godspell, Day By Day instead of Great Is Thy Faithfulness and the senior members were helpless to what the music ministry was singing, even in the Church. But in my youthful heart and attitude, am I standing on the right side of Truth?

Alan wrote - In this day and age, modern thinking, do we have to move on?
embrace a new way of believing, a new revelation? The past perception insignificant in this new age
seems to be so many shades of the truth
So many shades I begin to wonder,
Am I standing on the right side of truth?

Today I'm now living on the side of a senior and "the times are a changing so fast," sin is widely celebrated and I feel helpless. So when I listened to that news segment of a movie, the reporter's view suggested she was defending the ways of the world. I felt this wouldn't give me the impression we could have a discussion, and my apologetics for Christ would give no heed.

So how do I stand on the right side of truth? By standing on my choice to seek the side of Truth. I choose not to be entertained by the world flaunting their celebration of sin, yellow journalism, or entertainment that supports anything but the Truth.

Yes, we as Believers must coexist with the world because we all need Jesus. But why do I need to get caught up with the world's definition of modern thinking when I can embrace the Word of God which has so much more substance and assurance?

The world continues it's changing times but it's only temporary until the next trend comes along. But God's Word is permanently forever and never changes. Let the world beware;

Matthew 24:9-13, 9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. 10 And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. 12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

If this passage I'm sharing is the right side of Truth, then this is the path I choose to seek daily.

God bless you, brother, and your poem put this on my heart to share.