Rooted With God

Rooted With God As I Get Older

In the mirror of my days, I see
The fading years, the broken dreams.
Older I stand, but wisdom eludes,
Lost in the shadows, where pride intrudes.

I am a bottle of sin, yet you let me in.
My throat is parched, tears run dry.
I go down, down on my knees.
Then I the lay to the ground and cry.

I do not deserve Your grace, O Lord,
My hands are stained, my heart is flawed.
I’ve wandered far from the path You laid,
Seeking my will, where my spirit strayed.

I am not a good man, for I am not
man you want me to be.
I am scared, alone in my mind.
I am withering without hope.

Your love, so pure, I cannot claim,
For I am dust, with a soul untamed.
Yet still, You call, in the darkest night,
A voice of mercy, a beacon of light.

I stumble, I fall, my faith is weak,
Wisdom I chase, but it hides, so meek.
Yet in my folly, Your truth prevails,
For even in failure, Your love never fails.

Why do I fail,
Every time and again.
So painful,
I don't know where to begin.

O God, how can it be, You seek
A soul like mine, so lost, so meek?
Older I grow, but not yet wise,
Yet still, You gaze with loving eyes.

Unworthy, I kneel before Your throne,
For in my heart, I’ve always known,
That though I falter, though I flee,
Your boundless love still reaches me.

So here I stand, a broken reed,
In need of grace, in need of seed.
Plant in me, O Lord, Your wisdom’s root,
That I may bear, one day, Your fruit.

For I am Yours, though I don’t deserve,
A love so deep, a grace unearned.
Thank You, God, for wanting me still,
Though I am weak, You love me still.

I know the time, it will end soon.
I know to death, I am not immune.
I know I only have one place to go.
But its where the Lord awaits, with my soul.