Sabbath 03-13-2021 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith “FAITH”

Sabbath 03-13-2021 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith “FAITH” Hebrews 11;1-13

We all live by faith. Faith is flipping a light switch on for light, faith is boarding a plane and trusting the pilot. Faith in mailing a letter and trusting the postal service. Everybody lives by faith. The Bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Biblical Faith is that we believe God and live by faith and not by sight.

Let us look at what Biblical Faith in NOT:

  • Faith is NOT a blind leap of faith:
  • A blind leap is saying that creation was made by the big bang theory. This is what atheist believe and this is more of a blind leap of faith then believing that God created the heavens and the earth. Christian faith is supported by biblical record and personal testimonies of people. Read your Bible to increase your faith in the Lord.

  • Faith is NOT the ability to manipulate God:
  • It’s not name it and claim it or believe it and receive it. Biblical faith rests on the promises of God the Father.

  • Faith in NOT adhering to a list of rules:
  • It is not just keeping the Ten Commandments and its instructions. Faith is having a personal relationship with a personal God. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
People of FAITH >>>>>>>>>>>

  • Abel: Faith is to have a heartfelt worship. Abel gave God a sincere heart, his best. Cain’s offering was not pleasing to God. Abel worshipped God with all his heart and soul.

  • Enoch: Enoch walked with God and God took him home to be with God. When we learn to walk with God, it is to please God. Does your faith have you walking with God? Do you let the Holy Spirit lead you?

  • Noah: Noah had the faith to believe God and to build the Ark. He believed God and acted on his faith. Noah put his faith in action. Do you put your faith in action?

  • Abraham: Abraham is called the father of faith. Abraham’s faith caused him to wait on the Lord. He waited and waited on the Lord to keep his promises of giving him a son, of land and of the Messiah.
We must all wait on the Lord and this waiting is proof of our faith. We trust in God’s perfect timing and have faith to wait on God and Jesus. We all wait in faith for the second coming of Jesus Christ the Messiah. Verse 6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God. We must wait for the Lord. We must worship Him and desire to please the Lord. We must have faith and wait on Jesus.

I would ofer. . Faith is understanding God as he works in us by faith or labor of love as that needed to both will and empoer us to do his good pleasure. By it we can belive in God not seen .It is not human faith generated from our own imaginations of the heart .

The word rest (sabbath) as to its meaning "rest" with no other meaning added has been changed into a time sensitive word “week” in all translation save the Young’s literal were it is used correctly once and then rest follow other translations making it time sensitive word week .Until we do receive our new bodies we can rest yoked with Christ if we mix faith the unseen with the temporal.

It will remain a non jugdable shadow of the full rest until then

Why the paraphrasers made it into a time sensitive word remains a mystery, When the new testament was coined the Greek did not use the word week to replace the non-time sensitive word rest .