Sabbath 12/22/18 Alfred Station Seventh Day Baptist Pastor Ken sermon” Jesus Came to Us like Creamer for Our Coffee“

Sabbath 12/22/18 Alfred Station Seventh Day Baptist Pastor Ken sermon” Jesus Came to Us like Creamer for Our Coffee“ John 1:11, John 1:1

John 1:11
He came to His own and His own received Him not”

God loved the world that He gave us Jesus while we were sinners. Jesus died for us. John1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Trinity: God, Son and Holy Spirit are persons. In verse 11, He, His, Him is the Word. In verse 14, the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. The Word became flesh. The apostle John sees the Word as Jesus Christ.

Jesus came to His own. Own what? Own house, own pets, what? Jesus came to His own people, the House of Israel. And they did not receive Him. How many of you here drink coffee or tea? You know those little creamer containers that you open and pour into your coffee? To receive Jesus would have been like pouring creamer into our coffee. The two, creamer and coffee, become one and you cannot take the creamer out of the coffee.

Now there is a ‘But” in verse 12. It says “but” as many as receive Him. Many means NOT all. Not all are going to Heaven. Not all are getting Eternal Life. As many as receive Him -have poured the creamer into their coffee -have become un-separable from Jesus. Jesus give us the right, the authority and the power to become children of God. It only happens because we have received Jesus. Then we get power and can call God our Father. We have received His son Jesus like creamer into coffee and we are children of God. This is the message of Christianity that God loved us and sent His Son to save us from our sins. This is the Gift from God.

To those people here who have not accepted Jesus into their life and have not poured the creamer into their coffee, this is what you should do. Admit that you are a sinner and that you need Jesus. Accept Jesus as Lord, Savior and pour the creamer into your coffee. The promise is for us that if we receive Jesus then God will make us His children.
