Sabbath 2/3/18 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater, FL Pastor Keith sermon “Be Imitators of God” Ephesians 5:1-17

Sabbath 2/3/18 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater, FL Pastor Keith sermon “Be Imitators of God” Ephesians 5:1-17

Vs. 1-2 Be imitators of God and walk in love as Christ has loved us. Don’t be imitators of celebrities but be imitators of God and Jesus. Being an imitator of entertainers or athletes will get you nowhere. The greatest Hero is God and Paul says we should be imitators of Him. In our text, Paul says we should imitate God with our hearts, minds and behaviors. Imitating God means we should walk in Love. God has set the perfect example of Love by sending Jesus to die for our sins. Because we know God, we are to love and show love to one another.

The reason we have trouble loving others is because sin gets in the way. Because we think of ourselves as gods, we get offended when someone does or says something negative to us. We say “how dare they say that to me”. We need to put God first and not think that we can stand in the place of God. We should not judge our neighbor but show love. Don’t talk bad about them or be bitter toward them. Be kind, compassionate and forgive one another.

Imitating God means we are kind to one another. We should imitate God’s love and imitate God’s holiness. Don’t be malicious, immoral or evil doing. As God’s children, we are to be set apart and be different from the world. We should be determined to live holy lives. We can do this by having our lives dedicated to being like God. Remember that God so loved the world that He gave…… God gave His love to us by giving us Jesus. God continues to show His love by giving us everything else that we have. We should learn to imitate God because we may be the only Bible that some people will see. We need to walk according to your convictions and to learn and grow in God. We pray and ask this today in Jesus name.
