Sabbath 3-27-2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “The Tongue”

Sabbath 3-27-2021 Seventh Day BAPTIST Edgewater Pastor Keith “The Tongue” James 3;5-8, Matt 15;18, Proverbs 2;6, Proverbs 15;1-2, 4, Proverbs 25;15, Ephesian 4;29-32, I Thessalonians 5;17

The tongue is a very important part of the body. We stick out our tongue and have tongue twisters like a cat has your tongue. Tongue twisters like sea shell by sea shore and others. Your tongue is all muscle like your heart is all muscle. You heart, you have no control of but your tongue you can control. Our scripture says the tongue can be like a fire, a world of evil. All animals can be tamed by man but no man can tame the tongue. The tongue can be the dirtiest part of the body.

Jesus said our mouths are a barometer of what is in our hearts. In Ephesians it says to get rid of bitterness and let not your tongue have evil talk. Only talk with kindness and compassion in your words. In Proverbs it says a lying tongue hurts people. It also says we can use our tongue to talk to help people and also please God. We can use our tongues in positive ways.

***** A Godly Tongue Will:

  • Spread the Knowledge of God: Proverbs 15;1. We get this knowledge from the Lord when we ask for it. We find the knowledge in the Word of God. God’s Word will accomplish His desire. God’s wisdom will help the world.

  • Bring Healing: Proverbs 15;4. Jesus said blessed are the peace makers. Peace makers are not wall flowers but they deal with people. A gentle answer turns away wrath. Peace makers also don’t focus on being right but are more interested in making peace. Proverbs 25:15. God has given us a powerful tool in our tongue. It can tear down a person or build another person up.

  • Pray to God: Our tongue and talk is to be used to pray to the Lord. Rejoice always and pray without ceasing. As Thessalonians says, in everything give thanks and don’t quench the Spirit. When we feel the Holy Spirit rising up within us, don’t put it out and not listen to it. Listen, hear and obey the still small voice of the Holy Spirit in us. Walk by Faith and not by sight. Walk in the Spirit and in communion with God. When we pray with a sincere heart, God will hear us and answer us.