Sabbath 4/27/19 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith’s sermon “Jesus Is Better!”

Sabbath 4/27/19 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith’s sermon “Jesus Is Better!” Hebrews 1:1-4

Christianity stems from Jewish faith. Jesus was a Jew and the disciples were Jewish. Some believers had issues between believing the old laws, traditions and believing in Jesus Christ. They had to know that believing in Christ was a lifelong decision. The book of Hebrews was written to those who were doubting and confused with their Christianity. Paul says that it was God’s plan all along for men to receive Salvation through Jesus Christ.

In our text, it says that God speaks to us through His son Jesus. After Jesus performed all things, He sat down at the right hand of God. We are told Jesus is better than all that came before. Jesus is better than all of this and anything we could possible know. Better than money, love, popularity….He’s better than ALL. We are to have faith and believe that Jesus is better. If we don’t believe that Jesus is better, then we need to check our faith. We should not be living our life the same way as before Jesus came into our life. We don’t want to drift away. We should pay attention to the Word of God and to what we have learned about Jesus. Jesus is better and we must not drift away from this fact.

Jesus is better than any Angel in Heaven. God did not tell any angel that they were His Son. Only with Jesus does God call him His Son. God says Jesus’ throne will last forever. God has set Jesus above his companions and everyone else. To no angel has God done this to. Only Jesus is the Son of God and to only Jesus did God say to sit down at His right hand.

Angels are powerful and they are in God’s presence. But…they are not as good or powerful as Jesus, the Son of God. Angels are fellow servants of God just as we humans are. They are to minister to and help us humans. People should not be turning to angels to worship them instead of God. That’s paganism/idolatry because they are worshipping other things instead of God. Angels are servants of Jesus and servants of God the Father. Angels worship Jesus and God. Jesus is Divine and superior to angels. He is the Son of God, The Word in the flesh and He is Divine. Angels are sent to serve those who are heirs of Salvation. Jesus is our Savior and Jesus is Better!!

Jesus died for our sins and no angel can do that for you! It was God’s plan from the beginning. We thank God for sending Jesus. We thank God for Jesus sacrificing himself for us. We thank God and we know JESUS IS BETTER!!!
