Sabbath 7/13/19 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith sermon “Bold Prayer”

Sabbath 7/13/19 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith sermon “Bold Prayer” Acts 12:1-9

Have you ever prayed boldly to God? Boldly approached the throne of God? Hebrews 10:19-22 tells us to go to God in FAITH and be confident. Only through Jesus Christ can we enter into the presence of God boldly. Jesus said if we have FAITH as small as a mustard seed, God will provide our requests. We can pray boldly to the Lord and He will hear us and take care of our needs. ALL of our needs will Jesus and God take care of as long as we have FAITH.

The prayers of people will cause God to act and intervene the way they ask. God does answer our prayers. In our text we see that Herod had killed James and arrested Peter. The Church began to pray and they constantly prayed without ceasing. An angel came to Peter, woke him up and said get up and let’s go. God had sent an angel to get Peter out of prison. It was prayer that got God to send an angel. Peter had FAITH in God and went to sleep in the prison. He was not worried about things because God would provide. His FAITH and the FAITH and PRAYERS of his Church to God, got Peter free.

When Peter got up to leave the prison and was following the angel, he thought he was having a dream or seeing a vision. He didn’t believe it was really happening. Peter was getting his “Get Out of Jail for Free” card. God works in ways that we cannot imagine on our own. Peter went to the house where a large crowd of people were praying for him to get out of jail. When he knocked on the door, they didn’t believe it was Peter at the door. When they finally opened the door, it was Peter free from jail! They were very surprised.

We all need to PRAY boldly, PRAY constantly and PRAY without ceasing. Enter into God’s presence washed in the blood of Jesus. Boldly pray to God in the name of Jesus! PRAYER changes things!!

Have you ever prayed boldly to God? Boldly approached the throne of God? Hebrews 10:19-22 tells us to go to God in FAITH and be confident. We all need to PRAY boldly, PRAY constantly and PRAY without ceasing. Enter into God’s presence washed in the blood of Jesus. Boldly pray to God in the name of Jesus! PRAYER changes things!!

Hello Miz KJV Only;

Thank you for for this awesome teaching.

God bless you and your family.