Sabbath 7/14/18 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith sermon “I Believe… Therefore I Think”

Sabbath 7/14/18 Seventh Day Baptist Edgewater Pastor Keith sermon “I Believe… Therefore I Think” I Corinthians Chap 1 & 2.

One time in the Roses parade, a float died with no gas. The whole Roses parade was stopped until someone got gas for it. It happened to be the Standard Oil Company float. Often we Christians also run of gas because we neglect our spiritual needs. In our text, Paul said that Wisdom is of Christ. We are called by God through the Power of Christ.

Everywhere we go we will find unbelievers who are smart and influential. This may cause us to get doubtful about our belief. Paul says to remember that God chose the foolish things of the world to shame/confuse the worldly wise people. The world sees the church as not being smart but being weak and foolish. Christians themselves are viewed as weak and foolish. Many churches try to get the praise and applause of the world. They think this is the way they can turn the world of sinners to Jesus. We must realize that the message of the cross is foolishness to the world so getting the applause of the world means nothing.

It is the Holy Spirit inside of us that will help us win the people of the world to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the mark of God’s ownership of us. Paul is saying that the Holy Spirit is what makes us think and act differently from the world. It is the Holy Spirit that will help us win the world over to Christianity. God says we exist because He created us! Believers have the Spirit of God inside of them. We believe and therefore we think.

The man who is a un-believer cannot understand the things of God because He doesn’t have the Holy Spirit to help him. They cannot understand the Bible. The Bible says we become strong by being weak or we live by dying or we are free by being in bondage to God. The non-believer has no clue or understanding of these things because they have no Holy Spirit inside of them to guide them. We think differently than the world because we have the Holy Spirit inside us to guide our lives, to change us and to lead us.

We need to read our Bibles daily so that more of God’s Spirit can work in our life. It is important to be in church but it is more important to be in the Bible to know God more and to be known by Him.

To Be Filled with the Holy Spirit
  • Surround ourselves with Godly music. Listen to Christian music only.
  • Be thankful for all things and count your blessings.
  • Serve one another and help your fellow church members.
  • Walk in God’s Spirit. The fruit of this is love, joy, peace and patience.
