Sabbath 7-26-2014 Daytona Seventh Day BAPTIST Pastor Wray “Seven Priceless Privileges and Possessions in Christ”

Sabbath 7-26-2014 Daytona Seventh Day BAPTIST Pastor Wray “Seven Priceless Privileges and Possessions in Christ” John 1;1-10

There are seven privileges and possessions in Christ that are found in these scriptures. They show us the love God has for us and the standing that the believer has with Jesus Christ.

1) Precious Certain Knowledge:
This is what the believer knows. This passage emphasizes “that which we have heard, that which we have seen”. They did not just see and hear but they studied it. It is not enough to know about Jesus. We must know Jesus! Having second hand knowledge in our relationship with God is not sufficient. We must know Christ for ourselves and develop a relationship that will grow into a relatedness.

2) Glorious Fellowship:
Fellowship with the Father and fellowship with Jesus. Fellowship suggests that we like to hang around together. The people we share things with are the ones we have fellowship with. We should have a need to be in God’s presence every hour. It is like the song says, “Lord I need thee every hour.” It should be a daily dependency on Jesus Christ.

3) Fullness of Joy:
The scripture says fullness of joy. Filled full. A little bit of joy does not suffice. The joy of being in God’s presence all the time becomes a joy that is unspeakable! King David stated the depths of this joy when he said “Ye though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil because thy rod and staff comfort me”.

4) The Message:
God is light and is a present help in time of need. In Jesus Christ, there is joy. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.

5) The Walk:
When we walk with God, the light He sheds on our pathway and life makes it easy for us. Our progress in our relationship with God is easier. Whatever bad situations we may face, God can say” Been there and done that”. God knows where He is leading us.

6) Cleansing Us From All Sin:
This is cleansing from the guilt of sin. Some of us get discouraged because when we try our best, we make mistakes. Mistakes are how we learn. It is the guilt of sin that we want to avoid. It is our privilege, to be cleansed from guilt by the blood of Jesus.

7) Cleansing From All Unrighteousness:
It is also our privilege to be cleansed from all unrighteousness in our lives. Whatever we need, God has got it! God has everything we need!!
